Mameiha's answer page 3 (93)

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To start, I am a soulless ginger and an atheist. Then there are the hundreds of men and women I have slept with, the 20 years I spent working in the adult entertainment industry, the yaoi I have masturbated to and the cherry on top would be the people whom I have wished dead and they have actually died. BUT since I am an atheist and have already, t......   reply
28 02,2019
For me, and it seems I am not alone, the only positive aspect of the omegaverse universe is the fact that men can bear children. As a fan of mpreg, it pleases me greatly to have more mpreg stories to read. However, there is a pretty heavy price to pay, within omegaverse, for this male pregnancy benefit. Second class status, brutality, lack of freed......   reply
21 07,2017
about drawing
You also have to consider that he may not have realized his own sexuality yet. So, even if you ask, he won't know. And the most likely answer you will get is an emphatic "No". A single dream is not enough evidence to conclude that he is gay or even bisexual. Especially if he is around the same age as you. At 16, a guys hormones are just as all over......   1 reply
04 12,2018
I recently read Feeding Lamb and it was hardcore and graphic. This ain't your mom's yaoi. Feeding Lamb includes murder, dismemberment, disembowelment, torture, castration, animal abuse, drug abuse, as well as graphic sex. Now, if we're talking just hardcore sex, Hoshi no Yakata is a favorite of mine. The plots revolve around the lives of live in ......   2 reply
13 01,2018
My children, grandchildren and husband dying before I do. I think I could handle anything else life threw at me. That, however, is something that would destroy me. If even one remained, I would go on until death came for me. If I lost them all, I would, surely, soon follow them. They are the reason I am here, after all.   reply
22 07,2017
about have sex
Vanilla sex, to me at least, consists of the four basic positions: missionary; doggie style; spooning and cow-girl. The pace is slow and gentle, with foreplay before and during the act. But I'm a Rocky Road kinda girl. I like things like bondage, humiliation, neglect and rape play. Hair pulling, biting, spanking, choking and exhibitionism are all......   3 reply
06 12,2018
Are you really looking for the views of others or are you seeking support for your own and a chance to condemn those that don't agree? The way your question is worded makes it appear that you seek the latter. You've already made it clear where you stand on the subject and when a querrant does that, they usually are not looking for differing views, ......   reply
29 01,2018
Yep. Sure have. But let me explain... I'm an atheist but my best friend is a Seventh Day Adventist. Well, I say that, but she really only goes to church because if she didn't her sister would really make her life a living hell. So, anyway, one day she told me she had to attend a funeral for someone who was a member of her church. She didn't actuall......   reply
23 11,2018
My older brother came out to me when I was 7. I grew up around him, his friends and their lovers. To me, two men engaging in PDA is more normal and natural than a man and woman doing the same. I can't even stomach hetero porn, total turn off, but gay porn fires my engines like rocket fuel. Kinda weird for a 47 year old married woman with three adul......   1 reply
16 06,2017
Oh so many times! If we're talking about "Friends", I stopped counting in my teens. Friends who dallied with my boyfriend, stole potential boyfriends only to dump them the next day, told secrets, started rumours, talked viciously behind my back. Guys gravitate to me, not for my looks or because I'm easy pickings, but because I tend to act like one ......   reply
11 08,2018
Are you hurting anyone with your fetish? If not, you have NOTHING to be ashamed of. Your friend is a sheltered prude. That works for her, so that's good. I've been involved with BDSM clubs and conventions for thirty years. The only thing I am ashamed of is having injured a partner accidentally when I was younger. If your partner likes to be kissed,......   1 reply
26 06,2017
I'm the same. I had a rough life that, nine times out of ten, was made worse by my own choices and behaviour. I wouldn't want any of that changed, though. Who I am today is a person I am infinitely proud to be. And that is what I would tell myself. Hold on, stay strong, because someday soon it will all be worth it.   reply
27 08,2018
Hey Aiman and group! My Line is Krissanne Cattrell and I look forward to joining the group.   reply
18 07,2020
I have two, personally. One is a triquatra and it sits just above my tailbone so that if I wear T-back panties it is covered completely and the second is a rune talisman just behind my left ear. I chose the places carefully. They are places where, even in old age, the skin does not sag or wrinkle and they are both in hidden places so only those I c......   reply
23 08,2018
I have been around gay couples since I was 7. So, yaoi or even gay porn feels more natural to me than hetero stuff. To be honest, I was rather turned on by my first really well depicted yaoi scene.   1 reply
28 05,2017
about penpals
I am also learning Japanese through self study. I recommend the Human Japanese app for Android and Windows. It offers a voice recognition tool so that you can practice pronunciation, a thorough curriculum in reading, writing and speaking as well as sections dedicated to culture, customs and etiquette. There is a free version, but the full courses a......   1 reply
19 01,2018
Hard work. Worth it.   reply
16 02,2018
Old fujoshi here. I usually just "Aww" and move on. There are a few characters that are so cute I could eat them with a spoon. For those, I show the scene to my husband. I do that with super hot scenes too. Then, later, he tries to re-enact them with me. LOL We have quite a lot of fun with yaoi.   2 reply
19 01,2018
about have sex
Oh hell yes, I have. Fingers, dildos, tounges, penises and they all feel like heaven to me! I LOVE ANAL! I had a bad first experience with it, but later I dated a guy who just could not orgasm in a vagina. So... I tried anal again. What a life changer! The first time, for me, was an "illegal lane change" ( the guy's penis slipped out of my vagina ......   1 reply
11 08,2018
Some of my favorites are Cocky Boys videos and Helix Studios for professionally done porn. My favorite Japanese gay porn features young men acting out scenes from your favorite yaoi manga - like dating at the Ferris Wheel, going to an onsen (hot spring), lighting fireworks, going to the aquarium, etc all followed by deliciously hot sex. They can al......   5 reply
25 01,2018