milkygxth's answer (4)

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(TW: sh) im 73 days clean. its not much but im happy about it. im trying my best to find other coping methods :) for a trans gay person stuck inside a homo/transphobic household, i think im doing pretty good handling it   3 reply
09 09,2020
im nonbinary too! i use they/him/faers (all neopronouns). its ok if ur not in the end. trying to discover urself is all about experimenting. i wish the best for u!   reply
09 09,2020
tw: mentions of transphobia im a trans person. i hate it whenever I tell someone my preferred pronouns and my gender, and the 1st thing they say is "I'll never see u as nonbinary, you will always be a *beep* to me" or they'll say "no ur not" or "tranny." its fucking disgusting and annoying. i hate it   reply
09 09,2020
not at ppl in here actually being proud fujoshis... being a fujoshi isn't smth u should be proud of.. stop fetishizing mlm relationships and calling em ur "lil uwu gay boys." thank you for posting this and bringing light to the topic! i really appreciate it as a gay person myself   3 reply
09 09,2020