Bitch I-'s answer (14)

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I totally get you on this one. I like a lot of things and if there is one thing that I absolutely despise it is a seme forcing himself onto the uke. Like, consent is sexy guys. But if the uke likes that sorta thing it's alright, but if they don't have a safe word or anything like that it gets uncomfortable. Just my opinion though.   1 reply
04 06,2020
This man. He literally insulted someone's dead mother to their face.   2 reply
25 09,2020
I- I pissed someone off and I know this is exactly how I'm gonna die cause I don't know how to keep my mouth shut-   1 reply
13 09,2020
Bitch I-
03 09,2020
Let them do what they gotta do. If they read here it's not our problem it's their parents fault.   1 reply
03 09,2020
Bitch I-
29 10,2020
please don't become friends with me if you are just gonna stop talking to me. I know I'm a bland person you don't have to push it in my face.   2 reply
29 10,2020
He asked for a normal RP. Me thinking that it was gonna be normal and we're gonna have a nice plot and characters and build a good storyline. Nope, the first thing he sent without even giving me a plot or characters or anything is just, and I quote, *Blushes and winks at you and hugs you and puts my cock between your feet and toes*. My exact respon......   3 reply
13 09,2020
honestly, I don't know what the hell my username is. I might change it to blandlettuce.jpeg if I can though.   reply
30 10,2020
Bitch I-
11 08,2020
No. Think about how people that can't produce milk would get milk. How would they? Get a woman (who produces milk) to pop out a tiddy and suck on it? But how would it get packaged and put on shelves? Also, I don't think people would be okay with drinking another human's tiddy milk. There are other things to think about when proposing something like......   reply
11 08,2020
Honestly, the ending didn't make me cry or feel anything but most call it sad. The first few episodes though- W I L D that shit is a R I D E like damn I thought it was hentai for a sec there.   1 reply
01 09,2020
30....... I'm not even 15 yet... That childhood trauma really do be fucking me up-   reply
28 07,2020
CONGRADULATIONS!! Imma be in the corner eating cake if you need me though-   1 reply
30 10,2020
I wanna be an associate imma be your information broker.   reply
30 10,2020
Ah, I have found my people. I really love rping and coming up with characters to play I also love taking characters out of a show and making my own story off of them. I'm not the best but I bounce between semi-lit to advanced lit. On a rare occasion, I might even go up to novella. I have been roleplaying for 2-3 years now but before that, I used to......   reply
03 09,2020
I feel sorry for you. Did mommy not give you enough attention today?   reply
18 06,2020