Dumbbear's question (1)

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I ask this because yesterday i had my first ever job interview in my whole life and it was such a disaster. I cried. I don't know why, but i cried. Maybe the stress and the pressure of it, but I cried. And the person in front of me just didn't know what to do XD. I explained them that it was the stress and just that it feels like i didn't answer right, and i was so sorry if my answers are weird, then i just panicked. They just told me that it was very good for a first, i just had to forget that moment. But i cried. Now I just feel shame, pain, embarrassment, and fun ( I don't know why ). And when I think about it, i just want to dig a hole or maybe a cosy cave far away from here and continue crying ( because i just want to cry ) and begin a new life of hermit.
And also I know that I don't have the job.
15 02,2020