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I've had this tiny little thing for a close friend of mine for a little over 2 years. Shes a really close friend and we've been together for a while and I just never brought up the...feelings...I have for her. The main reason is, lately shes been questioning her sexuality and me being the female I am, I didnt want to confuse her on it even more...so I kept silent. But just a few hours ago she told me about a girl she finds attractive and is considering asking her out. I dont wanna be in the way of her so I've decided to try to get rid of whatever it is I feel...but i dont exactly know how
04 02,2021
17 03,2021
Haha I'm currently in a bathroom stall. Besides that, there are 3 other people in here with me and they started spraying fuckin strong ass perfume and talking about a friend of theres. They were calling the friend a whore, stupid bitch, etc. Holy shit now their doing tik toks....
08 01,2021
I always find it extremely awkward when a family member or any friends of mine start to argue. And while their arguing I'm just sittin there confused as fuck, and I have no idea what to say.
31 12,2020
19 12,2020
Haha so I'm currently 14, and I grew up with a very sports oriented family. It was only on my step-dads side of the family but That's who I grew up around the most so it sorta passed onto me. My step-dad wanted his children to love sports and become professionals because it was a dream he had that he couldn't accomplish. But since I for one am into stuff that's far from sports I never enjoyed them. To make sure I played sports he threatened to take away both my phone and anything I relatively did, and so I didn't speak up about not wanting to play until last year. He took it relatively bad and took away my stuff as he said but eventually he gave it back (fucking 4 months later) And now if i don't find something that's active to do, I'll once again have to play softball.
19 12,2020
31 12,2020
The fireworks are starting to go off around me
╥﹏╥ Its gonna be a long night of loud ass bangs, random loud talking/yelling, and potential sirens from the cops.
31 12,2020
bro ima fuckin fail this year :]
03 03,2021
Since I'm on break from classes I've been binge reading a shit ton on yaoi/bl and after reading a large amount all at the same time...it got kinda boring. But, it probably got boring cause most of them didnt have a story behind it, it was just straight up sex ╥﹏╥
02 01,2021
When I was around 8 me and my cousin got locked in a room for almost 12 hours, and during those 12 hours I had to take a huge fucking shit. Since we were locked in the room with no way of getting to a toilet I had to resort to a small trash can in the closet. I didn't want to but....I was desperate at that point so I used it. Once we got out the room me and my cousin agreed to never speak of those 12 hours ever.
02 01,2021
11 02,2021
*just fuckin christmas music blasting*

My head hurts like hell
I want to fucking die
Im going to go choke on a goldfish
And then probably cry

11 02,2021
about question
Recommendations ??

I just want another nice story to read :))
12 05,2021
about question
Hello! I'll get straight to the point.., I've been wanting to get a binder for a while. I just feel a lot more comfortable being flat chested, and being identified as a male (born a female). But I'm still not sure if that's considered being trans. I've been nb for a while because I'm still trying to find exactly what I'm comfortable with being titled as.

But my main question is,

**Is it ok to get a binder and not be transgender**

again I'm still in the process if figuring out exactly what I identify myself as haha, but I'm getting there :')
12 05,2021
The question sounds stupid as hell but I genuinely need help with it. Currently it is 2:40 in the morning and I have to wake up at 6:30. I just got off of a 2 week break so my sleeping schedule is shit, and I cant fall asleep at all. I've tried counting sheep, running in place, listening to music, but it's not working. And the thing is, I am 100% tired haha I forgot to sleep the last two nights.
04 01,2021
about say sorry
I need help ╥﹏╥. So um there is a joke I have with a couple people I know, and it's about a dick cult : It was a total joke and we weren't serious about it at all. I didnt think anyone would take it seriously until another friend of mine texted me asking what I was laughing at in class, and I explained what it was to them....Then later in a discord server I'm in with them they proceeded to call me disturbing and disgusting. I know it sounds stupid but I dont know what to do
02 12,2020
11 01,2021
Question, does anyone else have friends but when your in school or in public you dont talk to them much, which causes people to think you dont have friends?

That's what happens with me sadly. Cause I have friends, I just choose to not attempt to talk to them and keep to myself
11 01,2021
I have tried so many times....its rather disappointing. I dont understand what it is I need to say to become friend w someone haha . I always feel like I'm bothering them when I talk so I'll just stop and well....
01 12,2020
01 01,2021
Please reccomend some to me. I've ran out of longish yaoi/bl to read and I really need some bc I'm about to go to a theme park for a 3 year old birthday party and I'm just gonna be sitting at a table on my phone the whole time.
01 01,2021
I have haha. It happen earlier today. To start off, I recently shaved my head (it has kinda long fuzzies) and today was the first day I went into class with my hair shaved. And there was a girl in a class of mine that was just straight up being a bitch. I walked into class and sat down as usual, and she walked up to me and said " Did you get a haircut? " which I replied with yes. " It looks...decent." Then she went on about how the back looked uneven and my sideburns look "off" I was just sitting there like, bitch just say you don't like it and fuck off. I dont need you going on about how bad and uneven my hair looks ╥﹏╥
12 01,2021