Mango_Smoothie's answer page 1 (28)

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I have a really bad habit of talking to myself? It's like saying your thoughts out loud. I talk to myself a lot because I want to I guess relay my opinion to...anyone even if it's myself. But now it's kind of gotten into my routine. Like a randomly laugh to myself or mumble things that you wouldn't just say to the air. Another annoying habit of min......   2 reply
06 08,2020
LOOK AT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   reply
30 09,2020
I hope you've learned your lesson from this post   reply
02 09,2020
Introducing the best bois: Ash and Eiji   5 reply
05 02,2020
I haven't really lost any friends. We just usually drift apart and I don't complain about it. However I did have a step parent who had basically raised me from elementary to middle school. But he betrayed my mom by cheating on her (he had actually done it many times before) and she kicked him out. We were pretty close and it hurt to see him hurt my......   2 reply
11 02,2020
Lol I was at a sleep over at a friend's house and I decided to change because I was about to leave. Just my shirt tho cuz I can go anywhere in sweatpants if I believe. Anyways I don't really like changing in front of people, not in front of other girls, and not in front of family. But I thought it would be weird if I left just to change my shirt so......   reply
28 09,2020
I can't really remember when I found this site but I originally read doujinshi which lead to the endless vortex that is manga. But the first manga I got really invested in was Yona of the Dawn! I still read it now since it's ongoing. Actually now that I think about it...I probably found this site when I just started high school so it's been a while......   2 reply
08 02,2020
23 08,2020
Lol Killing Stalking is popular as hell so you are definitely not alone   reply
23 08,2020
Tragic. Your in my prayers   reply
24 09,2020
Damn I'd probably call my mom's boyfriend. But if things get serious I'll bite cuz these arms are weak   reply
28 09,2020
Buying gifts for other people is super I know them but how do I know what they want for Christmas????? Tho I do feel guilty when I have nothing to give so...l guess this is the only time living nowhere near any family members comes in handy ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
12 10,2020
That's just some real clownery like wtf ( ̄∇ ̄")   reply
02 09,2020
It's different for everyone I imagine. I don't really know why I have those thoughts occasionally. I just turned eighteen but I've had suicidal thoughts since I was in elementary school. The reasons I wanna stay are, at the same time, the reasons I want to go. I love my family. I don't want to burden them with my failures and problems. But I still ......   reply
05 08,2020
If it makes you feel any better I ignore my bookmarked manga AND my college work so there ya go :)   reply
29 09,2020
It's funny so I don't really care ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Also it's interesting. Cuz like with everything going on at least I get to read about some random stupid shit that people have been doin/talkin about   reply
23 08,2020
It's very clear that your parents love and care about you. My parents divorced when I was around four and I was one of those kids that told my dad to wait for my mom to come back to him. And I think that made it hard for him to move on. One year, when I was in middle school, I found out that he got married to a new (amazing and super kind) woman, m......   reply
03 10,2020
I think pupusas...or caldo Anyways here's a cool link if you wanna know the last meals of U.S. death row inmates:   1 reply
30 11,2020
I dunno aren't they like every other fandom?? Some fandoms put their trash in the front and some put it in the back...isn't that the major difference??? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
09 11,2020
The first thing I thought of was marijuana...I don't even do drugs so I don't know how that would happen ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   1 reply
05 10,2020
20 09,2020
Texas toast garlic bread is supreme ლ(´ڡ`ლ) Like I don't even like garlic bread but the texas toast version is too good. Also french bread is awesome in the morning...all bread is really good tho except Olive Garden bread sticks and whole grain (which has potential but it isn't there yet lol) ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
20 09,2020