's answer page 2 (96)

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you know after you post a question, you have time to still delete it before someone replies. hope this helps :)   reply
08 10,2023
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i dont care tbh. all i want people to do is communicate, respect each other boundaries, be hygenic and safe. if someones ready to do it whether its after marriage or before marriage is all up to the individual, and also be with someone on the same page yk. i say people should be allowed to do what they personally feel comfortable with. + also this......   2 reply
26 02,2024
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is it this?   4 reply
16 03,2024
Moods swings and getting drpressed is normal. But your case seems like the extreme case of that. If you can its best to go to a foctor and try some birth control pills, ive heard it helps with people with severe symptoms. See if it works out for ypu. Talk with your doctor first though. Each pill may affect ypu diffrently.   1 reply
06 12,2023
    23 02,2024
23 02,2024
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    09 10,2023
since theres some trouble getting into the site ill upload a tatse of the duality of this site.   2 reply
09 10,2023
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    10 05,2024
not exactly what your looking for but please try yellowjackets. its not focused on romance but it does have queer women characters. its more focused on mystery and kinda supernatural if thats something you may like.   2 reply
10 05,2024
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????? now why are they here   reply
07 05,2024
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if that ladys a politician, then theres worse stuff she could be doing then having yaoi addiction so thats good. in all seriousness though idc if she brought a bl book, but having something so explicit as the cover is a little weirddd.   reply
09 03,2024
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if i HAD to choose then heros for sure. sometimes i feel like a relationship with a villian would be so co dependent, to the point of being toxic. also as much as the extreme level devotion and sacrfice seems great on paper, in real life i dont want innocent people to die so that their love is "proved" to me. i dont think love at the cost of human ......   2 reply
09 03,2024
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mabye she just realised that mabye she didnt want a relationship yet, mabye shes not ready to have sex. it could be for a number of reasons. it definetly wouldve been nice if she gave a reason or communicated her feelings for sure, even without necessarily getting back together. but i dont think the problem was fully you or her tbh. sometimes shit ......   1 reply
03 03,2024
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sometimes yea. but i stop caring about it quickly cause i need to do my dumbass assignments so whatever. thanks for making life so boring whoever my author is.   reply
09 05,2024
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deleting my replies to a reply or comment. deleting my questions. manga randomiser so i can discover diffrent manga in general or in specific tags. i feel like that would be cool. dont know if that would actually be implentable though.   reply
07 03,2024
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i remember seeing a tiktok where the person said "dont spraypaint your demons gold". specifically about people who are obsessed with working out or going to the gym (gym bros mainly but even people outside of that), but could be used for anything in general. just cause the addiction isnt a drug, or gambing or porn, just cause visually to the people......   reply
15 02,2024
no please   reply
10 03,2024
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i think this tweet sums it up nicely   reply
13 05,2024
    16 02,2024
i never got into warrior cats so i tried making a Himalayan cat. if i could, id get one.   reply
16 02,2024
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i mean if you were and traumatised by other women, then yea thats really shitty and i hope your doing better. i dont wanna invalidate that. but it important to fight against generalisng people. it can be hard especially when you grow up with bad experinces, but its important for you and the people around you. i know it probably feels like it self p......   reply
3 days
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je ne sais quoi (i dont know french)   reply
06 03,2024