Chaconne's answer (6)

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History Maker by Dean Fujioka ;)   reply
03 08,2019
My first anime is Angelic Layer And my first manga is Love Stage   reply
08 05,2016
Lol I was about to answer beta then I saw the choices HAHAHAHA I am just too passive (I'm virgo BTW)   1 reply
17 03,2019
about penpals
Hello! I'm also a fujoshi and I came from Southeast Asia too! I hope those homophobic friends of yours open their eyes and we will always be here! Fujoshissss uniteeeeヾ(☆▽☆)   reply
17 11,2017
I stan BTS and Wanna One! TmT But more one Wanna One now because ever since BTS' fandom kinda became toxic it drew me away to the idols themselves but I still support them! I stream, buy their albums, greet them on SNS and such but I'm not that dedicated to them like when I first joined the fandom (⌒▽⌒) As for Wanna One! Give love to my babi......   5 reply
13 08,2018