Ancestor Xián Yú Yù Tou's question page 2 (71)

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Feel free to admire the handiwork of a beaver from afar, but be careful not to get too close; though the rodent isn't a maliciously violent creature, it has no problem using its sharp teeth when it feels threatened. In 2013, one fisherman learned this the hard way when he attempted to take a photograph of a beaver up close and in return was bitten to death.
01 06,2021
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One man has saved more than 200 people from suicide.

It's a sad fact the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco is a site where many suicides take place. However, one California Highway Patrol officer has done more to combat this problem than any other individual.

Officer Kevin Briggs, who battles depression himself, has personally talked more than 200 people down from the proverbial ledge throughout his career. After retiring in 2013, Briggs wrote a book called Guardian of the Golden Gate and now goes on speaking tours to encourage public discussion of suicide and mental illness.
30 05,2021
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The victim has all four limbs broken in multiple places, and is then threaded through the spokes of the wheel. The wheel is placed on a vertical pole and left in the sun until the victim dies. I'm not sure which is worse, the broken bones or being eaten by the crows whilst up there.
01 06,2021
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People in Medieval England had rap battles.

Before rap battles, there was "flyting," a trading of insults that was popular from the 5th to the 16th centuries in England and Scotland. As Atlas Obscura describes it, "Participants employed the timeless tools of provocation and perversion as well as satire, rhetoric, and early bathroom humor to publicly trounce opponents." Even society's elite would join in these battles of wits.
31 05,2021
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The man who wrote Dracula never visited Transylvania.

Bram Stoker was an Irish author who is now best remembered for his gothic horror novel Dracula. Partially set in Transylvania, a mountainous region in central Romania, the story cemented the legend of the vampire in mainstream European and American culture. Despite Stoker's many world travels, he never visited Eastern Europe—and, by virtue, Transylvania—at all.
30 05,2021
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Chinese Crested dogs can get acne.

Puppy Clearasil is probably big in China-
01 06,2021
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Gilbert Baker designed the rainbow Pride flag for the 1978 San Francisco Gay Freedom Day celebration.

He designed the flag as a "symbol of hope" and liberation. The flag does not depict an actual rainbow. It represents the diversity of gays and lesbians around the world. In the original eight-color version, pink stood for sexuality, red for life, orange for healing, yellow for the sun, green for nature, turquoise for art, indigo for harmony, and violet for spirit.

01 06,2021
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The Slinky Was Created by Accident

Inventor Richard James, a naval engineer, was trying to create a spring that could help stabilize equipment on boats in choppy waters. However, his spring's ability to move seemingly on its own proved more interesting and became the prototype for the Slinky in 1943.
01 06,2021
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Black apples exist.

We tend to think of apples as being red, though there are, of course, some popular green and yellow varieties. But did you know there are also black apples? Called Black Diamond apples, they're found in Tibet and are from the Hua Niu family of apples, also known as Chinese Red Delicious. Aside from the black outer color—actually an extremely dark shade of purple—these apples look just like other Red Delicious apples, down to the white flesh inside.
01 06,2021
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There's an entire town under a rock.

If you've ever been accused of "living under a rock," you'll feel right at home in Setenil de Las Bodegas in Spain. Many of this tiny town's 3,000 residents live and work and play in a gorge beneath a huge rocky outcropping, where homes are built right into the rock. It provides so much shelter that historians think this area has been occupied by human settlements since the Stone Age.
30 05,2021
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Michelangelo Hated Painting the Sistine Chapel and Wrote a Poem About It

There are plenty of stories about how painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel was quite literally a pain for Michelangelo—the artist had to be in an incredibly awkward position to complete the work of art. He supposedly hated the task so much that he wrote a poem about it.

The sonnet, which was originally written in his native Italian in 1509, has been translated by American poet Gail Mazur. Here's a sample: "My stomach's squashed under my chin, my beard's pointing at heaven, my brain's crushed in a casket, my breast twists like a harpy's."
01 06,2021
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"You will never be good enough for everybody, But you will always be good enough for someone who really appreciates you."

It is fruitless to worry about what others think of us. We learn we cannot please everyone and it is what we think about ourselves, who we are, what we do and believe in that really matters; - as at the end of the day “we have to live with ourselves”. We create our own happiness and inner peace. Others cannot offer it, just enhance happiness through sharing life with us, warding off loneliness.

I found people who appreciate me for being myself :> and I realized why should I care about the people who aren't involved with my life? As long as they don't negatively affect me, They can do what they want.
11 06,2021
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More male giraffes are gay than straight.

Scientists say that homosexual activity among male giraffes is more common than heterosexual activity. In one study from Tanzania published in Biological Exuberance, 94 percent of all observed mounting activity was same-sex.

Giraffes are Bi.
31 05,2021
So, Hehe, This is a continuation of the quote “Blood is thicker than water” post I made.

So, "blood is thicker than water" actually means that bloodshed on the battlefield creates stronger ties than the water of the womb does, or family ties. Not only are we using "blood is thicker than water" incorrectly, the current usage is opposite from the original meaning.

So, the idiom blood is thicker than water means family ties are the strongest. That makes sense, right?

Well, it makes sense until you hear the whole idiom as it was first written in the Bible. The original saying is "Blood of the covenant is thicker than water of the womb."

The important words in the original version are the ones dropped over the centuries: "covenant" and "womb."

A "covenant" is a serious, official agreement or promise. Usually, we only use the word "covenant" when the agreement is important, such as a "covenant with God" or "the covenant of marriage." Covenants often involve legal requirements, such as an "international covenant on human rights."

In our Bible-based idiom, the covenant is between soldiers on the battlefield. So, we don't use the term lightly.

Now, the other important word is "womb."

A womb is the uterus, an organ where a woman carries an unborn baby. The water in the womb protects the fetus as it grows during pregnancy. And when a pregnant woman's water breaks, she will soon give birth.

So, "blood is thicker than water" actually means that bloodshed on the battlefield creates stronger ties than the water of the womb does, or family ties. Not only are we using "blood is thicker than water" incorrectly, the current usage is opposite from the original meaning.
30 05,2021
No number from 1 to 999 includes the letter "a" in its word form.
31 05,2021
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The Cookie Monster has a real name.

It's Sid. No, seriously.
31 05,2021
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I’ll stop at Fun Fact # 10 for now, I’ll continue tomorrow, I hope these posts could at least stir away some of the drama, cheer someone up or give someone interesting facts ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
30 05,2021
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Black holes are mysterious and scientists have many unanswered questions about them still, after decades of study. But what we do know is that the common perception of these phenomena as empty, star- and planet-devouring monstrosities, with such strong gravitational force that nothing can escape, is false.
01 06,2021
The King of Hearts is the only king in a deck of cards without a mustache.
31 05,2021