ArandomBystander1's answer page 2 (70)
Oh I love pineapple pizza, I used to eat it all the time before I went on keto.
02 05,2020
Your actually a good Writer looking forward to pt 3
14 05,2021
01 06,2021
I want to read 33
Reading 194
Alright read 177
But I am Curious to who has read the most on this website
5 reply
10 07,2021
Hell ya I will love him with all of my heart
2 reply
13 12,2020
My older half brother(my dad had him before he met my mom)- I get along with him but, I don’t know him very well. And sometimes it’s awkward when we see him. He never lived with us when he was growing up, and now that he’s an adult we hardly ever see him.
So it’s like I am the oldest.
My younger brother- I get along with him. I get along ......
24 04,2021
well I an not complaining this is the MC from “even if you don’t love me”
04 12,2020
So Nicki Minaj is kidnapping me?
23 07,2021
May I ask how you came to this conclusion? I mean Ted Bundy, and the Green River killer were booth diagnosed on a antisocial disorder. Is there any articles or studies to show that your theory is right? Where’s your “proof”?
19 05,2020
Too be honest I thought i was the only one, too me it more of a Coping mechanism.I mean i know there not real and i don’t harm any one with it. I tried to check if it was heathy and there’s not much research on it. I have thought about talking to a professional about this but I don’t know. I have real friends and relationships. So i think i a......
1 reply
17 10,2020
Not sure if these look to plain but here are mine
29 12,2020
This is a Funny and cute story, I really enjoyed it. However if I were in the situation of the first chapter I would have told them right then and there that I was wake and why couldn’t their horny ass wait until they were alone, or the vary least wake me.
23 04,2021
I am not sure if I’m bi or pan? But I can say this much too me love knows no gender or race. However I do care for age.
10 09,2020
I am a high school senior in Washington sate, last week our governor called for all school per K- 12 grade to be closed form March 17th- April 24. Last Friday I cried because I thought my softball season was cancelled, not only the prom was cancelled too. Just yesterday day I cried but my TA (Teachers assistant) teachers assistant period because I ......
17 03,2020
I am not into that stuff,I also never tryed it, but if I had a parter that was into that kind of stuff. I think I could be an M for men and an S for women. I like men who are sweet, kind, and funny. I like women who are smart, strong, and independent.
21 05,2020
I am not sure if I should have a say in this because I only watched to tow of their music videos. Too me their music is okay. If talked to me about their dancing, I would say “well shit I don’t know how to dance” so to me their dancing is amazing. I usually don’t judge looks so that’s not really a problem to me.
If you were to bring up t......
20 06,2020
If you a woman this article just helped me a lot just do what your comfortable and ignore the quiz in the article it’ll bring you to a different article :
1 reply
03 06,2021
Bear with me this is gonna be long:
First and fourth grade : I never had a crush on guys at all I always liked the girls and only ever liked the boys on TV ( Edward and teen gohan). But I never considered I liked both. Also around that time no told me that girls can like girls, and boys can like boys. So I never I knew that was the option
Fifth g......
08 06,2021
Sorry if it WTF is wrong with this person. But here we go.
-when I was 8-10 Years old me and this girl would touch each other private parts.
we would also talk about sex a lot too because we didn’t know what it was.
-I kissed tow of my adopted cousins when I was 12 (too be. Clear though We are not related by blood).
- I am 18 yards old and I nev......
2 reply
24 07,2020