ArandomBystander1's answer page 1 (70)

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about scared of
Here are my dislikes - I hate when a couple can’t communicate. Like how hard is it to talk? But I do have an exception to couples who try to learn to communicate. - I hate cheating. The thing is I don’t care if someone likes to sleep around or be “ slutty”. However if your going to do that don’t go around messing with people’s hart......   reply
18 08,2020
about question
Okay I see this in a lot of Romance stories in general. - when the main character is a Virgin and wants to give their virginity to someone they “love” because it will be special. I think this is so fucking cliché is especially where the leading character is a woman because it just Reminds me of purity culture and how society wants Women to be ......   reply
26 04,2021
about question
Bisexual here. Some times I don’t get heterosexuals.   reply
07 06,2021
Nope I only cry if it’s sad, I never cried happy tears, not even when my team won state. But I do have the feeling of pure joy when something good happens.   reply
08 04,2020
i am literally worried about, trying to get a job, tuition payment, what to do if my scholarship won’t cover it, moving, money, emails, phone calls. The list gos on.   reply
02 09,2020
about have sex
No but I want to,my problem is that I am bi and a Virgin. I am not sure if she would feel comfortable with it, because I can not even masturbate properly I just get off with my clit.   1 reply
02 07,2020
Good god some are more creative than me.any way here are mine   reply
11 01,2021
I don’t really like hisoka but I do love his theme song.   reply
11 08,2020
In fact I hate the hole fucking story, I also hate the fucking characters.I hate it but the art is pretty so I gave it two stars.   3 reply
30 06,2020
I have a dark sense of humor so sorry if it was a little much   reply
12 07,2020
I wish you the best of luck   reply
18 12,2020
At first found it disturbing but now it’s just funny   reply
14 10,2020
about question
I’m still here   reply
27 07,2023
about have sex
Well I am bi, so if I were turn into a boy it would not matter to me. I would still go for both.   reply
18 04,2020
I am single (17f) and I would like a boyfriend/girlfriend, and like some of you I never been in a relationship, never. The reason why I never had a significant other is because I live in a really small town in a rule area. It also does not help that I am also related to half of the town. My Second reason is that all of the boy in my school suck, t......   1 reply
23 04,2020
To me “liking someone” is what I call having a crush. Being in love is, I don’t know I don’t think I have ever really been in love. -What I mean by that is back in middle school I had a crush on the same guy throughout my middle school years. That means three years, I have always been shy so, I never said much to him and he always had a gi......   3 reply
28 04,2020
about did anal
Before this, I saw this And now this is all I can think of   reply
13 10,2020
17 06,2021
I stopped reading fanfiction along time ago but when I did, I remember y/n never had the same personality as me, So instead I came up with “Annabeth”, “ Elizabeth” and “Becky”. Elizabeth: if I liked them (which was rarely) Annabeth: if I were okay with them (which was mostly) Becky: if I straight up hated them (which was kind of a lot......   reply
17 06,2021