Meow meow's question (3)

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Have you guys ever wanted to be in a place /with someone or with a group of people and when you are finally there or with them you finally realised you don't actually belong there /with them?
I am fujoshi I always wanted to be friends with other fujoshi's in my class I finally mastered up my courage and I started talking with them but I idk something never felt right it didn't end well
for me
13 05,2020
I broke up with the person I was in love
It took me almost 3 years to move on and for those years I was not talking with any guy and now even if I want to talk guy I feel scared or some alarm goes off in my head
16 12,2019
I broke up with the person I was in love
It took me almost 3 years to move on and for those years I was not talking with any guy and now even if I want to talk guy I feel scared or some alarm goes off in my head
16 12,2019