LoreHappy's experience page 1 (28)

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08 10,2016
Actually more like... fascination. I can't help it, some years ago I just fell fascinated for the actor Benedict Cumberbatch. Not his looks, not just his voice. It's not that I find him cool or handsome or elegant. It's not just that I like his acting. I actually find him so beautiful, so seductive. But again, not seductive like "oh my, he can do......   1 reply
08 10,2016
Jealous of all the memories people usually share with their grandparents, or about them. Sorry if this sounds too negative, since the title of the section is not about that, but it's not that bad, trust me. I just need to speak this out. My granparents are not good people. They all are parents who didn't really love their children, and that's some......   2 reply
08 10,2016
I do think we are not alone in the universe (well, that's almost obvious), but I don't think aliens are visiting us or anything like that. And I don't even think that the thing I saw was an UFO, but still it was weird and interesting. So, I was in a festival in the middle of a field. It was night, almost 3 am and I couldn't sleep, so I decided to w......   4 reply
26 04,2016
I have some friends online, and I really, really love them. But we can't even meet! I'm from Spain, and almost all of the are from Latin America. So, we have an ocean dividing us ahahhaa. But I hope I can see them all someday. It would be so nice.   reply
26 04,2016
My very first pet was a cat called Rufino (from a Spanish cartoon show). I was like 4 or 5, and I really loved him. Although I don't remember him so good, that cat lost his mind and went crazy. So, my parents carried him to a house in the country-side and left him there, they couldn't sacrifice him. They always are telling me that when I arrived ho......   1 reply
17 04,2016
about worst sin
Beside that, my sins are so many that Satan is proud of me ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   1 reply
27 04,2016
I never really liked love stories. Sure, when it was inside a good story it was cool, but I just couldn't read a good romance story. I was watching them and thought "well, that's all bullshit. it's like... so cheap. no, that's not for me". But oh, when yaoi entered my life. Those stories, that drama, those sexy boys! It expanded my horizons, and I ......   reply
17 04,2016
08 10,2016
BUT I HAVE A NAME FOR MY VAGINA IT'S CALLED "THE MEADOW" (I know that's not the topic) (but) (#SORRYBUTNOTSORRY)   2 reply
08 10,2016
08 10,2016
I don't want a yandere boyfriend. Sure, in mangas and so they look so cool and dangerous and "oh yeah, this would be such a experience!" but... really? Of course this would be a bad idea in real life! I don't want some yandere shit in my real life, no thank you.   reply
08 10,2016
Right now I'm in a sort of distant relationship with my lover? almost boyfriend? sex-mate? since seven months ago. We're from Spain, but he's working right now at Poland. I won't meet him until five more months, and that's not for sure. That's okay thou, we aren't really dating (or maybe yes, but our "relationship" can't progress like this). But I ......   reply
21 04,2016
Well, what can I say. From just a one-band live concert to week-long festivals, they are so awesome! It's not only that you get to see your favorite bands in front of your eyes and can sing along with them, but the people you know there, the good time you spend...! For me, Metal concerts and festivals are like a breath of fresh air! The neck pain ......   reply
21 04,2016
21 04,2016
And help some kitty cat from the streets! They're just cute fluffy balls that need to be loved!   reply
21 04,2016
about dogs
I just LOVE animals. Cats are my favorites, but dogs...!!! I can't, they are so cute!! When I was a child, I had a dog named Chispi (from Chispita, "spark" because she was so small) and she was the best thing in my life. I adored her. Some years ago she died and it was so sad, but oh well, life goes on. Right now, my roommate has a really cute and......   reply
26 04,2016
... because the thought makes me laugh! But I think I've never been caught. When I discovered yaoi I was in school, but both my parents work so I've been always alone in my house. So I always had private time to read anything I wanted ahaaa~ A night I was caught watching porn, thou (? and that was sooo embarrasing ;u;   reply
27 04,2016
I have three figurines, actually figmas. The three are from Vocaloid merch, a Miku one, a Luka one and a Kaito one. If someday I've money again, I'll buy Rin and Len. Until then, I'll cry.   reply
27 04,2016
I still keep that old Naruto orgy drawing. How embarrasing!   reply
29 04,2016
And that was terrific and hilarious at the same time. I was so tired that nothing mattered to me anymore. The moment I got into my bed, I slept for two days long hahahah. Waking up once just to go to the bathroom.   reply
16 04,2016
Sure, two years ago I gained some weight... Oh, but that was because I'm so lazy, ahaa! But I still can eat whatever I want at any time of the day or night... and that's the best! When this thing ends, I will cry a lot ( ̄∇ ̄")   reply
17 04,2016
I owe you all so much ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ   reply
08 10,2016