Aila's answer (11)

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At first I was like What did I just read. Then I realized I could sink the titanic in my panties.   reply
03 12,2016
02 02,2021
Cause I have to hella trust the guy and there's just no one like that near me yet- I take a long time to truly open up to others and by the time I'm really close to them I move to a different country! Then another comes by and I move states for college! Jeez! I'm in no hurry to lose my v card y'all, I'm still just 18 I got plenty of time. Honestly ......   reply
22 03,2018
Masturbate. Then enjoy peeing while standing.   1 reply
20 07,2018
I feel like I have to keep up appearances in the real world and act strong or stable all the time, but truth to be told I am very emotional and turbulent, and I love getting lost in a world of utter despair to remind myself every once in a while that I'm not an emotionless vampire, and I can shed a tear here and there in the safety of my home. Trag......   1 reply
11 10,2019
about penpals
Dafuk? That's a thing? Who the hell just goes around "coming out" to people about their porny reading habits? I have no issues telling people I read me some gay romance comics there's nothing embarrassing about that. I live in the bible belt too and it's tough man- I stopped giving a shit about what other people think, there's nothing wrong with re......   reply
27 02,2018
Yes, and it's not just with manga/anime. I get this when I get depressed and too stressed from school :( I'll feel so "dead" like I'm not sad, but I'm not happy either and I WANT to feel happy and enjoy a movie, a book, a new anime, or even a good yaoi but I can't get into it. All the things that I previously enjoyed don't do anything for me anymor......   reply
25 09,2016
02 02,2021
Hey, this is probably someone you know fairly well considering you call them a friend. Always follow your instincts, or you will end up in a situation where you resent them for liking you. I made this mistake- don’t force yourself into anything you’re not ready for, this is the best thing for you and for them. Just tell the, exactly what you wr......   2 reply
02 02,2021
about question
I uh, I don’t. I’m going to be in my own company for the rest of my life, might as well try and enjoy it lol.   reply
25 02,2021
Yes, And all converted to yaoi by me, MWAHAHAHA!! For some reason only my friends in Mexico would convert though.   reply
17 08,2016
17 year old Mexican girl living in Texas about to leave for California to pursue an entertainment design degree, and I've been reading yaoi since I was like 10 or even before that, hah! Not stopping anytime soon...   reply
12 11,2016