mara's question (17)

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im 70 in pity rn (guaranteed) and I cant wait to get her after not being able to pull xiao
I cant wait! 3 more days! I wish the best of luck to anyone pulling on her
28 02,2021
07 04,2021
what do you guys think abt this hashtag that was trending on twt? I honestly find some of the claims so stupid. Some people don't know the meanings of words and can't understand that MiHoYo is a chinese company. If you're gonna boycott a game stop playing it lol. If guys wanna read more abt ot heres a link of someone who explains the things perfectly: and this too
07 04,2021
my uid 60378839 smirks im world lvl 8 though
ill join yours if ur lower level...
im so bored rn in genshin
09 04,2021
21 04,2021
IM so lonely these days add me on discord smirk smirk razor??#3659
if u add a minor lol
ill talk abt anything with you JUST PLS I need friends
21 04,2021
10 05,2021
10 05,2021
cried a few mins ago about how ugly i looked when i looked at the mirror. My mother cut my hair and it just made me feel uglier and uncomfortable haha
25 02,2021
For me, if i see a omegaverse ill instantly click off lol
what about you?
20 04,2021
If i see a character w green hair i will certainty dislike them.

no offense to people who have green hair this is towards anime characters
20 04,2021
I've looked everywhere online but can find a thing, so hopefully someone on here can help me out.
I have 3 guinea pigs, and two always fight. And they're not play fighting (atleast to my knowledge), one has seriously got injured several times and we have tried separating them, but it never helps. Right now, I'm really worred since one of them is shaking and drooling excessively..after a big fight of theirs. Is it because of the heat or something else? I'm really worried and I need a solution. My familys thinking of selling them and I don't want that to happen. Thanks.

Sorry if that didn't make sense I rushed to write this. If you don't know how to help, dont respond to this.
18 06,2021
I asked someone who had YBC character on a game if they were a fictive or not, and either answer they wouldve responded i would've left them alone, I was just curious. But instead I got attacked (by them and others) since they were actaully a fictive and said that I should just tell them to KYS and i the bad person here??
05 04,2021
god i despite the saying periodt, my sisters kept saying it and I can't handle it now
23 02,2021
about lmao
12 04,2021
why are trolls on mangago the least funniest people ever? Theyre so fucking annoying at this point. And using slurs because your a troll is a stupid excuse lol
Some are funny dont get me wrong but the most are just. I ignore most but geez.
12 04,2021
about question
ive been using this site for a year and i still dont know how lmao
07 06,2021
does anyone else have the captcha?? like im just trying to send a message and i have to do the captcha shit every single time
23 06,2021
I find people who say shit like, "I don't care how you feel" etc.. just so ignorant?? and annoying?? like ur not a badass lol
but that could just be me
28 04,2021
about be lazy
26 04,2021
26 04,2021