⚛Christ-san⚛'s answer page 7 (178)

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I'm just 3 yrs old so this shit is gonna wait 2 more years XD   reply
29 04,2021
about question
10 yrs that I loved you the most Cause it was too sad... Dropped it at the second chapter cause I already knew what was happening... My heart can't take it... I have a weak heart so I can't bee too upset or shits ain't gonna look good... Even if it's a good manga if it doesn't have a happy ending I won't read it... I also know what the fuck happen......   4 reply
05 03,2021
You can do this XD You still have a lot of authors your in debt to XD You have to pay them before you die XD Here have some cute babies!!   1 reply
14 02,2021
about lmao
Agree ... While Giving birth I deed hurts much more than getting kicked at the ball especially since labor lasts for hours but that doesn't mean getting kicked in the balls isn't... I mean getting kicked in between your legs as a girl already hurts.... It's hurt like when you get hit in your boobs XD   reply
12 05,2021
about question
29 05,2021
Yes   reply
29 05,2021
I dunno that and it's not really popular in my country XD Koko crunch and Milo is my favorite cereals tho XD   reply
30 05,2021
about eat food
A mansion that I own obviously ( ╹▽╹ )   reply
27 05,2021
I'm too Young XD I'm not even at the legal age to drink XD   reply
15 12,2020
about question
I want to be a lawyer actually cause I'm really good at debating and I can see faults at everything (like fr..) And it makes good money XD Or I'm gonna be nursery teacher cause I like kids... A call center agent is also good... A vet doesn't sound bad either... I just wanna get lots of money and live a good life and then go to Canada and then ma......   reply
05 04,2021
Nahh take your time hun XD I was also really confused at the start cause at first I thought I was straight, but then I fell in love with a girl, but I don't think all girls are hot, and then I also dell for a gay guy, and a bi girl, also a lesbian girl, so I thought I was pansexual cause I just fell in love and didn't really care about their gender......   reply
12 05,2021
Kawaii!!! Looks like me actually XD Can't join your discord tho cause I deleted mine cause I don't have space anymore XD   reply
12 02,2021
That's mean so no XD   reply
11 05,2021
I don't know think so tho XD I think your dad's pretty okay XD I mean he did take responsibility... If he left then he's not only a pedo but an asshole too but he's there so it's fine XD And I think the pregnancy is not on purpose tho XD '>' But I mean isn't the age difference just 9 right? It ain't really that much XD But I think confronting th......   reply
10 12,2020
I think she's pretty messed up... Well the parents should also be blamed cause if they took care of her properly then none of that would happen... In my country if a minor did that, the one who's going to pay is the parents... Cause she's just a minor but the parents let her do the things she want... They'll probably need to bring her to the menta......   reply
26 01,2021
Here's mine XD   reply
16 02,2021
about question
There was no black wings for fallen angels so whatever XD I wanted a fallen angel cause if heaven does exist there's no way I'm gonna go there XD   reply
29 06,2021
1. Yes, I always do it to my crush's account XD 2. YES, in tests XD 3. Yes, with my crush who's also my Best friend we always talk about the stupidest things XD 4. YESS, ALWAYSS MORE THAN 3 5. Yes 6.Yes 7. Yes, and in the most cruel way XD 8. Yes but depends XD 9.yes? I dunno but I think I did XD 10.Yes, it hurts... 11. Yes cause why not XD 12. Yes......   reply
30 01,2021
about question
I ship a lot of real people to each other like how I ship myself with my crush and how I ship her with me and how I ship me to her... I also like the idea of me getting shipped to her and her getting shipped to me... I really think that me and her getting shipped to each other is cute and herself to me is also really cute! I really really like it w......   2 reply
12 05,2021
about penpals
Depends XD I don't like those shits honestly XD And they could be perverts so I don't think that's a good idea XD   reply
19 03,2021
I want a pretty boy XD Tho shits ain't gonna go with what I want him to look like XD but here you go XD   reply
19 02,2021