⚛Christ-san⚛'s question (10)

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about smiles
So I'm planning on making a novel for fun and posting it at wattpad or something... But the problem is I don't have any idea on how to write a novel.
I know what my story is going to be about already but I have no fucking idea on how to write it like a novel...
Like can someone pls help me????
Seriously need help
Like How do you write it properly??
08 06,2021
Give me comfort word...
Mah crush for 2 whole fucking yrs told me she was straight...
Shit I'm gonna fucking cry...
06 05,2021
So my dad brought a puppy home.
He said the mom didn't wanna take care of it cause the mom wasn't producing milk.
The puppy was being hand feed with a bottle since it was a baby.
The thing is it's still really young... And it's the first time there's a puppy...
I'm worried I won't be able to take care of it properly since it's still a baby..
Also my dad got it from work and it was inside a box...
The pup threw up when dad got here...
I wanna at least wipe it cause it's still a pup and it will die if I take it for a bath si I for the least I wanna wipe it...but the problem is I'm allergic to dogs. Not severely but I am to the fur... Also it's still in the box... Dad is busy so he's doing his stuff first, my mom is gone , and I'm allergic to dogs... Bruh--
Wtf should I do pls help
01 06,2021
Just wanna say this cause I've been seeing lots of thing lately In the social media...

I realized that lately a lot of new people are joining mangago and I don't really care about that but pls don't share this sites name...
Like for real...
This site almost got banned so many fucking times and no one wants that to fucking happen again.
So for gods sake Don't share this sites name in social media cause I just wanna keep reading without worrying that after I finish a chapter that could be my last...
If you want to share this site then tell them through private messages...
Like for real...
If you wanna post a screenshot of a manga from here your free to do so but pls edit out the name or crop it... It takes like 10 seconds...
Never share this sites name for the whole world to see...
Like pls!!! Don't be an asshole!!
06 03,2021
Why the fuck do people judge characters so easily...

I mean just because a KID acts kinda annoying cause she was jelouse and stuff they'll hate her...
Even tho she's just a fucking kid who's only 11...

If the seme was really mean in the PAST they'll hate him...
Even tho he a fucking good person now...

If one of the characters do some mistakes they'll say shits...
Even tho he just didn't mean it

If they don't like something that happened in the story they'll hate it wholeheartedly and post it around the internet...
Not even thinking about what if the author sees it...

If they found something they visibly hate they'll still read it and then post it to the internet saying how bad the story and the characters are...
Even tho they know how the story will go cause of the tags...

If they hate something they read they'll write how bad it is but still keeps reading it just so they can write some fucking complaints in the whole social media site even tho they're the one at fault for still reading it...

I mean like why??
Just why??
be reasonable pls???

A kid is just a kid...
Past is past...
Lessons are learned from mistakes...
Complaining is okay but be careful about what you say...
Check the tags and genre to know if you'll like it...
If you've read something you don't like and your in the middle of the chapter it's okay to not finish it...
Again.. complaining is far different from just hating it...

Pls be mature...
If your underage and just a kid then act like an adult and don't read stuff your not supposed to...

If I have some grammar mistakes the please forgive me...
07 02,2021
Is it just mine or did mangago just restricted Screenshots?!?!?
20 06,2021
So I'm a student right now and long story short I'm depressed and doesn't really have any motivation to do my best in school. I can get good grades when I try but I just don't really see the reason why I should? Which really makes me wonder what other's motivation to keep going is. If you're free please share it!
30 01,2024
So basically I'm pansexual...
And I can get attracted to any gender/sexuality so I'm wondering...
Is me watching gay porn a big deal?
Cause even before all about how girls shouldn't fetishize gay people
And before I became a fujodan AND knew what LGBTQ+ is I already had a crush on a gay men,a lesbian and even a bisexual and a straight...
I also already watched gay porn before knowing yaoi...
So I'm really wondering if I can watch it?
Cause there's a lot of people telling fujoshis that it's not ok...
I mean I am pansexual an that meand I'm attracted to anybody regardless of gender and sexuality...
Is it just the straight and lesbians thats not allowed?
Or every girls?
(Tho I ain't sure if I'm actually pansexual or omnisexual XD)
Pls tell me what your thoughts are...
Also if there's any gay men that will see this pls do tell me what you think about it
07 05,2021
So umm...
One of my friends told my girl best friend that I like her... Which is true..m
But I wasn't planning on telling her!!
I don't have a a fucking idea what to do(╥﹏╥)
Help me goddamn it (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻)
14 02,2021