sushi's answer (8)

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umm that isnt called dating, thats GROOMING ur cousin needs to WAKE UP. no way her parents allow her to date a 19 y/o man. tell her that shes being groomed and just hang out with people her age. istg kids these days (i am also 19) are so eager to act like 'grown ups' like bbg no... act ur age but that 19 y/o is DISGUSTING. u should like idk expo......   reply
25 09,2023
about question
oh so when asians read westernised comics mean that they're fetishizing westerners??? make it make sense hun xoxo   reply
03 06,2021
01 03,2021
like why   3 reply
01 03,2021
about lmao
this HAS to be satire   reply
15 10,2023
didn’t really read it but uh congrats   reply
01 03,2021
here are some of my wholesome reads. some of them havent been updated for a while, but yea. its a mix of manhwa and mangas so enjoy — coloured, manhua — coloured, manhwa   1 reply
25 09,2023
probably when i was 17 ??? my first webtoon was cherry blossoms something (i dont read it anymore i didnt like where the plot was going) so yea   reply
01 04,2024
25 09,2023
honestly right, just be you. shoot ur shot man. just tell her u wanna b friends, start with small talk and then just say that you've always wanted to be friends. if she doesn't then damn, thats her loss. its better to do something than nothing. good luck :))   reply
25 09,2023