Amaveris's answer (9)

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about dating
Well i'm single cause I've been sick mentally and physically and partially cause guys took advantage of me now i'm healthier but I live in a rural area I don't know how to drive and all the options I have are guys that aren't good or their simply friend material or not interested that and I'm not sure if I am or will ever truly be ready to date aga......   reply
03 04,2020
i have it's not pretty I was struggling with depression at the time and I wanted some one to talk to and understand me And I ended up causing my famliy problems and it ust was really hard Especially when I ended up getting hurt and had no idea what i was getting into it's better you date someone you have met face to face.   reply
17 12,2019
Marriage, especially in religion, is important for political reasons as it was originally political at the beginning rather than romantic many have been pressured on that subject cause "need grandchildren, continue the line, start a family, reproduce, we can't support you forever, get ou of the house," stuff like that but because of that, it causes......   2 reply
02 05,2020
This sounds like super lovers but then again, there are a ton of Yaoi with that same ( Older Brother x Younger brother ) *cough* Thorki *cough* element. Although by the way you describe it this one seems different from super lovers. Sorry that I couldn't be much help with helping you find the manga, but good luck on finding it.   2 reply
22 03,2020
In arizona it's toilet paper Bread and dog food   reply
25 03,2020
Suprisingly I'm an alpha   reply
06 05,2020
told my mom a couple times never really stuck   reply
12 04,2020
Over the years I went through some rough things due to a physical illness and though I was able to recover from the illness, I never really fully recovered. I hope that makes sense. I lost confidence in the people around me as well as my own abilities. I feel as if I'm no longer able to trust the world around me and I am always second-guessing eve......   reply
17 08,2020