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about question
15 06,2021
Don’t know if it counts but the app the arcana. Nadia is best girl! In it you are trying to solve a mystery while romancing one of the characters. There are two romanceable woman and four men. The art is pretty to!   reply
15 06,2021
I think it would be better to give her a real name other than F, maybe something opposite or linked to the name shinzou like Maindo ( meaning mind ). It could be interesting to explore her feelings towards her late mother as I would resent my mother if she had experiments done on me. It might also be cool to explore how f deals with the guilt of sh......   3 reply
23 08,2020
25 08,2020
I remember reading something that said if the person you like gets an ugly haircut and you stop liking them it’s just a crush but if you still like them it’s love. But I don’t know, I’ve never had a crush or fallen in love.   reply
25 08,2020
Animation is hard especially if it is a one person team so people shouldn’t shit on animatics and expect full animations. While the POV person is prejudice it isn’t as serious as reverse racism due to the context. That context being the history between the races. In an ideal world race will mean nothing (not culture meaning nothing) but we don�......   reply
05 12,2020
True! Also I read fiction for happiness and this sort of drama does not make me happy.   reply
01 12,2020
Firstly never tell someone you like them as a prank! It’s cruel. But the old friend seems sketch. It’s a bit manipulative to guilt trip with the whole “I don’t deserve you” bullshit but you know him better. The current friend seems like a better choice. Sort out your feelings before making a decision. If you start dating one while still h......   reply
01 12,2020
13 11,2020
I have big moles on the inner side of my knee and between my neck and shoulder. They loads on my arms. Is it soulmates or is it skin cancer   2 reply
13 11,2020
01 12,2020
Next time she brings up how you won’t talk to her just say something like “ok, then let’s talk right now!” This way she has no excuse not to listen and no excuse to wine.   reply
01 12,2020
23 11,2020
Scream your feelings into her mouth   reply
23 11,2020
about lgbt
I’m not really sure of my sexuality but my dad once said he would accept if either me or my brother were part of the lgbt+ then under his breath he said he could only say that because he knew we weren’t. I doubt he even remembers though but I’m the sought to take every negative comment to the grave. Also more recently my mother gave me the w......   reply
13 11,2020
It would be best to tell an adult you trust about this or call a child help line.   reply
19 09,2020
I want to marry one day but I won’t marry someone just because I am at a certain age or I’ve been with someone for a certain amount of time. You don’t have to marry to be with someone but it’s like a promise.   reply
20 08,2020
Graduate from university then get a job. Move out of parents house Start online dating ( hopefully work out my sexuality) Start dressing how I want since there’s no one I know to judge me Become that weird eccentric lady who the neighbourhood housewives gossip about and low key fear Buy an old fashioned house and vintage car Fall in love and ha......   reply
08 11,2020
Call your mum out on all her toxic behaviour and if she pushes threaten to cut her out of your life.   reply
28 09,2020
But the school in diabolik lovers had mainly humans? That would mean there would be like only one classroom of people also who are the teachers? I would probably just go to class and not interact with the vamp students but if I couldn’t I wouldn’t attend and ask to transfer schools. I don’t know what response you’re expecting but I would h......   reply
09 11,2020
it's hard to answer with so little information. like how old are you? how are they related to you? can you not tell your parents or if it is really bad (like abuse) tell a teacher or even the police but you may need evidence and it could make the situation worse . if you are old enough you could get a job and move away. if you can't afford that try......   1 reply
06 02,2020
All of mine were really nice. I think this is just a you thing   reply
03 12,2020
about question
If you like someone because they are attracted to the same gender it’s kinda fetishising. If you like them just for them and they happen to be gay it’s fine unless you persue them knowing they aren’t attracted to your gender.   reply
21 11,2020
Why do so many fujoshis want to be men so they can have gay sex? You don’t have to be a guy to take it up the ass (though it might not feel that good as women don’t have prostates) and you can top a guy if you use a strap on. (-.-)   4 reply
06 09,2020
29 01,2020
I went to therapy for a short while for social anxiety so i have a few tips. First give a good first impression, be friendly and talk to as many people as you can. It will be hard on the first day but it will make it easier in the long run. Second before leaving for the exchange program put yourself in situations that make you anxious (start small......   1 reply
29 01,2020