Darball's answer (12)

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Yoru and Asaichi from Yoru to Asa no Uta   reply
13 01,2020
Darball 14 08,2020
Drink lemonade it's yellow too   reply
14 08,2020
Darball 31 12,2019
Sounds gross... A definite - {negative infinity}/10 would never try... Can we just be Friends and go on adventures and etc?   2 reply
31 12,2019
My first and very much current is Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender (still is and I respect him so much) his sincerity, wiseness, humor, silliness,and how he knew how to have a good time made me wish he was real so I could stay by his side and learn from him and then I fell for Luffy from One Piece and is also current. In my heart Aang is 1st a......   reply
01 12,2019
Yeah I would like to join.All the other group chats I've joined weren't active at all. I'm @polyp.s   1 reply
13 03,2020
Darball 28 12,2019
You're only as old as you feel (a saying stolen by me from the metaphorical "they/them") and you're alive so FEEL Alive   reply
28 12,2019
I'm 18 and my Instagram is @polyp.s we should make a group chat   reply
28 03,2020
Wow, I got Alpha, wow this puts me in a position where I think I'll actually be able to help for once   1 reply
27 07,2020
When people say I "too much" and then ask why I don't talk that much When I have explain why I don't want them to be my friend out of pity   reply
08 12,2019
about dates
Being overweight doesn't make unattractive just like being skinny or average doesn't either. It's shallow thinking to think it makes that way.I feel like if I was a guy then I'd definitely go for an upper scale girl. I see it as no problem because all of our bodies are unique and presented with different circumstances that change them. I don't get ......   reply
08 01,2020
I would grow a awesome mustache and say things like " I'm the Man!" And flex just ya know. Ooh and rub my chin while thinking (all cool like). Genitalia is gross so I'd probably remove it.   reply
05 01,2020
Darball 03 01,2020
Excessive   2 reply
03 01,2020