Cestelle's answer page 3 (1146)

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about question
Istg by the time the notifs stopped rolling in... on the fucking floor, lmao. Between the circus act fucking up in 4k and now this I've quite enjoyed today.   5 reply
06 05,2021
Uh, no. Being religious is a learned behavior. It's not "belief", it's indoctrination. Only difference between a religion and a cult is the number of adherents and how long it's been around.   reply
08 05,2021
If your ire is directed at Nakyum instead of Seungho for abusing him and the author of the damn thing for romanticizing said abuse, you need to sort your shit out.   reply
12 04,2021
about hide yaoi
Your impression sums things up pretty accurately, honestly. No idea why people like them. Apparently people finding them funny, which I'd beg to differ but whatever, makes up for their being hopelessly ignorant and problematic. Either that or everyone just forgot all about the slurs, or the insisting that gay people aren't only attracted to their......   reply
04 05,2021
Bruh have you *seen* the people around here? I sure fucking hope some of y'all don't like me, that means I'm doing something right.   1 reply
02 03,2021
28 08,2020
The fact that I even have to explain this is ridiculous... 1. If a straight guy is reading or even, as you put it, "jerking off" to yaoi, guess what? He's still straight. Whether that's fetishy or not is a completely different story, but he's absolutely still straight. 2. If a straight guy finds another guy aesthetically attractive, he's still st......   reply
28 08,2020
11 07,2021
We're on a site known for being a shitshow circus full of problematic bullshit, people like them aren't the exception, they're the rule. I'd say something about how that sort of shit if creepy and problematic as hell, 'cause it absolutely is, but that'd be, what, the billionth time I've said that on here? Y'all really need to pay more attention to......   2 reply
11 07,2021
In my senior year of high school someone's (on) vibrating dildo fell out their backpack and no one claimed it so we all just watched this pepto-pink dick haul ass down the hallway. That's probably it, everything else is creepy, dangerous, or violent, and some of it made the news and I'm not exactly partial to the idea of doxxing myself, especially ......   2 reply
09 04,2021
Man, if I find out one of y'all lives near me I'm getting a fucking restraining order. Why the hell would anyone date someone they met on this hellsite, let alone meet them in person, lmao   5 reply
23 12,2020
Okay this isn't funny. At all. First you start joking about lgbt+ people taking issue with and having concerns about media that depicts them. It's not a fucking joke, bad representation in media can be the difference between us getting rights and getting killed. Then you move onto the "it's just fiction" bullshit, which it DOESN'T matter if it's ......   2 reply
26 08,2020
about question
17 07,2021
Twitter drama's dumb, YD's a fetishizer, and Mangago isn't about to get taken down over some d-tier author bitching how people aren't buying her god awful manhwa (so if some of y'all could stop fear mongering about that yet again, that'd be great).   reply
17 07,2021
Don't forget the MC is literally still in high school so uh... yikes.   2 reply
28 12,2020
about writing
27 11,2020
"bl semes like Killua" Uh... what   4 reply
27 11,2020
A'ight y'all why the hell was this on my sidebar and who did it   3 reply
20 09,2020
That some of y'all thought it was even remotely appropriate to bring up "censorship" in response to this is almost as disgusting as the story in question. We're dealing with revisionist "history" of slavery, fucking *slavery*, and y'all wanna talk about "censorship"? Go fuck yourselves. update/ Y'all... I looked it up to see if I could find it on......   reply
11 03,2021
I'd rather die. No thanks.   2 reply
14 10,2020
about sad times
05 05,2021
Who are you and why do I have you blocked again..? And considering who your choice of company seems to be you'll have to forgive me for not being particularly inclined to believe you.   reply
05 05,2021
Imagine being so petty as to hijack a completely non-related question to accuse someone else of starting a situation that you started yourself and then further accusing them of being a troll and accusing other real people of being their alts when you yourself have openly admitted to doing both of those things. Pretty sure there's a word for this.........   1 reply
19 09,2020
"I have to think twice about what i say to my parents and now i have to think twice here too?" Uh, yeah..? You should be thinking twice before you say something *everywhere*. Thinking before you speak is literally just normal behavior...   1 reply
01 06,2021