Cestelle's question (19)

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Here's the thing, no one is denying that it's fictional. Let's get that out of the way right now. Unless that shit says "based on a true story" on the front, there's no reason to assume otherwise.

But the issue is that we have a bunch of straight girls deciding that a medium depicting gay people isn't affecting anyone. Because apparently they're the authority on the matter, and not the people depicted in said mediums.

When you say "it's just fiction, it doesn't affect reality", you don't get to make that claim that for everyone. The most you can say is it's not affecting YOUR reality, because it's literally not. At all. Which I'm more than happy for you that it's not, I really truly am. I and every other lgbt person on this site would love to say the same, believe me.

But you don't get to decide for a completely different demographic of people what does and doesn't have real-life consequences for them. That is not your place, not your call to make.

If you wanna make that claim about shoujo, or if you wanna make that claim about hentai, then by all means make that claim. Tell us your grievances and if people have any shred of decency they'll listen and try to be part of the solution. But ya'll don't do that for us, and you really need to start.

By no means am I saying you shouldn't read yaoi. But what I am saying is that ya'll need to stop trying to justify the problems when we present them to you, or claim that they aren't actually problems at all, or that we're just blowing things out of proportion, or that "yaoi is for straight people anyways". You've been shutting people down every damn time for YEARS and it cannot continue any longer.
05 07,2020
Fujos: "Shut up you read yaoi too hypocrite why are you complaining"

Also fujos: "Shut up you don't even read yaoi how would you know if it's problematic or not stupid"
01 03,2021
about crying
"We have to gatekeep the site"

"Don't mention the site online"

"Ugh there's all these people from Twitter and TikTok now"

Do y'all just... not understand that most of y'all wouldn't even be on this site right now if someone else didn't talk about this site elsewhere on the internet for you to stumble upon? Or that most of y'all literally came here from social media and when you complain about people coming here from "Twitter and TikTok" you're literally complaining about yourself?

Is shit really that empty up there, or do we genuinely not understand how unbelievably hypocritical y'all are being with this, like what's the issue here that's preventing shit from clicking for y'all?
17 03,2021
Genuinely curious and I imagine some people on this site could stand to really understand some of the replies.

And no, I don't care that you'll "never stop reading yaoi". If that's you then why are you even replying to this?
08 08,2020
When you see criticism here, whether it's about people saying wildly problematic shit on this site, or shipping people IRL, objectifying mlm people, or literally whatever the fuck is being called out...

If your first instinct is to go "nOt aLL oF uS aRE liKE tHaT dOn'T lUmP uS aLL tOGetHeR #nOTaLLfUjOS", you're part of the problem.

If your brain's working well enough to get mad about that, then it's working well enough to know you're completely missing the point of those posts. Now act like it.
06 09,2020
If that was genuinely what was happening that'd be one thing, but criticism of fujos isn't a fucking "attack on women" and anyone with more than two brain cells is more than capable of understanding that. Using "stop hating women" and creating a straw man to stifle criticism by mlm people on a genre (and its audience) that is *literally focused on showcasing mlm people* by trying to make it out to be something it's not is both pathetic and disgusting. I've seen *way* too many people trying to push that shit today, and I'm beyond over it.

- If fujos were a bunch of non-mlm men we would still be having the exact same discourse, because newsflash, most critics of fujos and yaoi/bl aren't misogynistic homophobes, they're mlm people. Not to mention, if fujos *were* a bunch of straight men, let's not pretend a lot of y'all wouldn't be singing a *very* different tune on this topic. Though since we're apparently not above intentionally misrepresenting people's criticism, not being above hypocrisy is certainly no surprise.

- The criticism of fujos has always applied to *all* readers who partake in the same behavior, even if they're not female. The only reason fujos are specifically named is because most of the people doing the shit that's being criticised are women, which is what happens when an audience is majority female. Dunno why I need to explain that, it's really not complicated.

As much as it feels like I should have more points, this entire concept is such pure and utter bullshit I only need the two. Hell, the fact that this even needs to be said is fucking ridiculous.

tl;dr Mlm people calling out shit that pertains to mlm people isn't "hating" or "attacking women". If you're trying to paint it as such you're disgusting, and if, god forbid, you actually believe it, you're delusional.
23 01,2021
02 09,2020
Pretty sure we all know why I'm making this, so let's just get this over with. You ready? No? Good, me neither.

Bullshit like "wishing" you could be a guy "just to be gay", or looking at every fucking guy you meet and trying to figure out if he's a top or a bottom as if it remotely fucking matters (and forgetting switches exist), or shipping ANY real life people together, whether they be celebrities or your friends or two random people on the street... the "what kind of gay guy would you be" and "seme/uke" questions... All of it is fucking disgusting, as are the shitty people who post them and answer them as if these things are perfectly okay.

We should have all been on the same page with this YEARS ago. There is no excuse for still thinking these things are acceptable. Fetishizing and objectifying mlm people is NEVER okay in ANY situation, including on this site. Nor is this site some sort of "safe haven" for you to be problematic on and spew your bullshit without anyone calling you out on it.

If you do these things or don't see an issue with them, YOU are fucking disgusting, YOU are a problem, and YOU need to drill it into your thick empty fucking head that you need to fucking fix yourself and stop doing and condoning shit like this.

This isn't fucking rocket science. It's not complicated. It's not difficult to understand. The fact that some of y'all have yet to figure this out is fucking ridiculous.
02 09,2020
I fully understand that not every single fujo is engaging in problematic behavior. That's statistically impossible. I can fully acknowledge that there is a minority that is perfectly fine.

However, *all* of you think you're part of that minority. Every single one of you thinks you're "one of the good ones", even though most of you couldn't be any further from it. When y'all say "not all fujos" or "stop generalizing", what you fail to understand is that by explicitly saying "the good ones are fine" or however you want to put it, *all of you* will then assume what is being said isn't being directed at you, and will just brush it off and ignore it, when in reality for most of you it absolutely is. Having to constantly try to cover your ass by making sure not to "lump you in with the bad ones" means that the message will get through to no one.

Instead of pissing yourself over being "generalized" and "lumped in with the rest", maybe take a minute or two and think about what's being said. Think about how it pertains to your own actions and mindsets, and then decide if what's being said needs to be directed at you or not. And if it doesn't then move along. But in all honestly, you probably *do* need to hear what's being said, and you probably *do* engage in or sit idly by and allow the unchallenged continuation of what's being called out, whether you realize it or not, because most of the problem people don't even realize they're part of the problem in the first place.
17 01,2021
about crying
I know y'all gonna bitch about "mangago almost went down because people keep sharing the site" but they literally said it was server issues, like, technical shit. As in, things that are completely unrelated to people typing out the word "mangago" on fucking Twitter or TikTok.

Let's say that again in case y'all didn't get it the first time.

**It was server issues. Things that are completely unrelated to people typing out the word "mangago" on social media.**

Shouldn't even need to say this since y'all had days plural to read the notice they provided, but y'all gonna go pitchforks and torches if it's not spelled out multiple times.
16 03,2021

Accidentally stumbled upon this trying to get to the sidebar to see if y'all were done freaking out about the cereal post.

The entire concept is that the gov't implements a program to "make people gay" to "prevent overpopulation". As in you can "turn people gay". As in it's "not natural". I'm sorry but what the fuck? What sick bastard thought this up and went "Yeah, that's not problematic at all, no issues here"????????????? I know the bar's already at rock fucking bottom for manhwa, but seriously?
07 04,2021
Apparently some kid posed as a *White House correspondent* for a fake news outlet (but also the Daily Mail?) and got away with it for months???

And where did this kid come from? Not 4chan, not Reddit...

Roblox. Fucking Roblox.

Just... why... What alternate fucking reality have we been transported to where "Roblox user successfully poses as a news reporter and gains access to the White House Press Secretary" isn't a ridiculous statement because it actually fucking happened?????????
12 04,2021
Usually I find the quiet days on this site boring as fuck but not gonna lie I ain't complainin' if shit's slow tomorrow.
15 09,2020
So since y'all seem to like to say that Omegaverse is "based upon wolves", let's sit down and have a fun little chat about how it's not. Because it isn't. At all.

The Alpha/Beta/Omega hierarchy is known as "pack theory", where there's supposedly a domineering "alpha" wolf on top who's in charge of all the other wolves, an "omega" wolf that's at the bottom of the ladder, and the majority middle consisting of "beta" wolves.


The "experiment" that resulted in this theory ocurred in the 1940's. Swiss animal behaviorist Rudolph Schenkel took 10 wolves from completely different groups who had never interacted before, put them in captivity, and watched to see what would happen. They did in fact result what is considered the a/b/o hierarchy, however...


Wolves in the wild do NOT do this. Wolf "packs" in the wild are familial. They consist of a mated pair and their offspring that depart the "pack" as they get older. Occasionally multiple families will group together.

But there is NOT an "alpha" wolf that sits at the top of the ladder, and there is NOT an "omega" wolf that sits at the bottom. These only exist in artificially created environments and circumstances like the one created by the experiment that caused this misinformation.

So when you say that omegaverse is "based on wolves", what would be infinitely more accurate to say is that omegaverse is "based on debunked science that has no bearing on how wolves naturally behave".

This is not hard information to find. A quick google search will easily land you into quite informative territory that backs this up. For any of you mildly interested in it, I would encourage you to do so, it's an interesting read.
20 07,2020
As much as y'all love to say that men don't get a say on women's issues, or that white people don't get a say on poc's issues (both of which are true), y'all, at least on here, do that exact thing to mlm people.

Non-mlm people, *including lgbt+ women*, do *not* and will *never* have a say in what constitutes as fetishizing mlm people, or a say in what does or doesn't affect us and how. You do not get to have a seat at the table for things that pertain to a group of people you aren't even a part of.

And yes, that extends to discourse on and around yaoi/bl.
06 01,2021
about question
Who thought bringing the forums back was a good idea? Getting rid of them was the best thing this site ever did.
20 07,2023
about question
Y'all... What the fuck did I miss over here?
13 07,2021
I'm not agreeing with the sentiment in the title of the post, but can we just take a minute to acknowledge that 99% of the people who responded to it are fucking stupid?

Practically every response was chalk full of false equivalencies, bad faith arguments, straw men, completely irrelevant points... like, y'all brought the entire fucking circus and thought you did something, smh.
26 02,2021
Imagine thinking that large amounts of people are incapable of genuinely agreeing with each other and that everyone is just getting on a bandwagon and saying what others think just to save their own skin. How sad...
03 02,2021

Wtf???? Y'all can't handle being pressed you went and got someone banned? Again?
01 03,2021