やおいはかんぺき's answer page 1 (28)

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Let Dai made me cry same with Hana to ryuu   4 reply
01 06,2016
about question
If you go on novelupdates, all the novels have the links to the translator sites where you can read them. Chrysanthemum Garden is one of the biggest bl translators   reply
11 02,2025
about question
Yeah same, I have no friends, Just acquaintances. People I know, say hi to and talk with but I can't say they are my friends because everything we have is surface level.   reply
19 12,2024
Tbh, no it doesn't bother me, what bothers me is the unoriginal plot line. Nowadays when I see rape I get annoyed not because it's rape but because the last 50 mangas I read used the exact same device. Speaking as someone that started reading questionable materials at the age of nine, the things I have read haven't traumatized me neither has......   reply
28 01,2017
Like other people said it depends on where you are going, I am studying abroad and loneliness still hit me at the most random times, I still have no friends after so many years (chuck that to my personality) but it's a great experience. If you have the finances to do it, go for it as it will open a new world of opportunities for you. In this day an......   reply
14 04,2016
Yaoi with plot, i need a story not just two people banging.   2 reply
22 05,2017
I think I will be a queen uke honestly with extra dose of tsundereness. I will be hopeless as a seme xD   2 reply
14 11,2016
I try not too judge by the cover anymore but by the synopsis. Even that isnt enough xD, i do remember after reading the synopsis of Akatsuki no Yona, I scoffed at it, the story seemed really cliche and stupid. I passed over it so manytimes until i couldnt find something to read before succumbing to reading it. I was really amazed by the storyline a......   reply
18 12,2016
Vampire Knight, diabolic lovers, Ace of diamond and prob aoi no exorcist(never got past the first three episodes)   1 reply
08 06,2016
... Noo not happening this will probably be my top three that I remember.. Coz I have so many favourites I forget some Gosan no heart Seven days Yuuutsu no asa   reply
03 02,2017
Lol a pervert? Me? No way but let's see I've always enjoyed sex scenes be it homosexual or heterosexual. I was really young(about ten) when I came across my first erotic scene. This calder sky by Janet daily was my first xD   reply
12 05,2016
Tsunderes Bully lovers The always crying uke   reply
09 08,2016
Ewon, Takaba, Riki, Feng Min In fact, all my strong ukes are my favourites.   reply
07 03,2017
Very Tiring, it takes, a lot of will power to go through each day.   reply
22 03,2017
Easy, read on your phone. Like you would read any digital book lol. If a rude asf person peeks then it's their fault. How to not get caught... you make it sound like we are doing illegal stuff :P. Hunch over your phone like you would when playing a game. Your body blocks most of the screen. And have multiple tabs of normal manga open, I'm pr......   2 reply
24 04,2017
Like you said, it's freedom!! Also, the absence of emotional turmoil. I have never been in a relationship, but i've gotten close to being in one and i personally think alll the emotional stuff is not worth it, at all.   1 reply
11 10,2017
Reviews give me a bias, I am more inclined to agree with a review if I watched/read it before watching the anime. So I just jump into it, if something about an anime grabs my attention, I will watch it. If I'm looking for something to watch, I go to the a-z list, start from a and work my way down lol   reply
10 06,2017
Yuri on Ice(like obviously.. Every fujioshi is obsessed with the show xD) Haikyuu(and omg yes Tsukishima) Iron blooded orphans(coz orga) /nanbaka(all the traps)   2 reply
08 11,2016
Dont trust anyone enough honestly, i cant tango with random ass people and i typically dont get close to people.   reply
12 10,2017
Anything by Naono Bora and I really can't wrap my head around the blood_bank and killing stalking hype lol. I mean it's a good story and all but the hype is crazy.. Maybe it's just me.   1 reply
05 03,2017