pansexual ★★★☆★'s answer page 24 (532)

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thank god I not like this and I am ok whatever my gender is (girl) and I like all genres if I like the stoy I don't cares about characters look too much I don't think being fujoshi is bad but I also hate if people think gay or homo people as their entertainment things   reply
18 07,2021
Here's also Solution (end of paragraph) It's sad some people gain view and popularity just because most of people unable to recognize ai and they end up think it's real even it's just make with 15% effort and 60% accuracy Then it'll be more hard most of people to recognize it's facke when creator use *DEEP FAKE Here's also some app you use it to......   reply
12 days
It was when I was 19 y/o my dad saw my girl on girl drawing and he didn't say a word about it just smirk that time my last .jpg before dying   reply
20 02,2024
Bro clam down clam down   reply
28 10,2023
about cooking
SS of YT shots   1 reply
24 11,2023
Every thing over done is bullshit Children eventually follow the culture if the get curious about that and get advantage but if you force them they start thinking about it as pain in ass and run away Please related how we connected to culture and culture connected to us please don't force them like following culture is more important then their l......   1 reply
15 12,2023
about question
I'm me and not other else So I love myself Well also I like how I attract a person maturity and humbleness more then their look   reply
02 02,2024
it's pancake (=・ω・=) jk I like all pride flag and respect all of them meow   reply
30 07,2023
I only like comic which story fit for me and mature type if I like story I just read it either it's BL GL SL TL or NL dosen't matter if the story match my choice   reply
15 09,2023
Over makeup is weird but it's their choice but ig I still fall in love if the person got good nature   1 reply
11 02,2024
about question
I really few ch. Of your favorite one "this witch of mine" And it seems like good It's simple but also detailed   reply
25 12,2023
Not me but I just creating anything   reply
11 01,2024
about question
It may not seems like but they're doing hardworking to archives their fix aim so I inspired   1 reply
21 12,2023
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I'm not reading this shit lol just comment on it and it added   reply
07 12,2023
about question
Go n make video post in social media You'll start earning once you able to get a proper amount of view according to that social media terms or conditions Or there's also other things There's office worker people who play games but sometimes they don't have time to play that game then they rent a player online who play their gam with their id You c......   reply
28 11,2023
why the hell you need to share this shirt go and fuck yourself   reply
21 07,2021
about question
Are you over 18 or at least 17 Teast if you're also mature/adult from mentally I'll be top n only serves Ok??ijk   3 reply
11 01,2024
about question
Well first understand their nature Avoid talking to too much cringe n toxic mind or toxic masculinity boy First talk about study related things Then try to become social Make sure only talk to guy who don't make u too uncomfortable n don't talk weird at first   reply
13 02,2024
I'm chubby n my hand lil tho   reply
01 10,2023