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about lmao
I'm obsessed with red hair! It always breaks my heart to see red haired characters portrayed as evil or sus in mangas lol.   1 reply
10 04,2021
Beta baby!!! I'd be a female beta, I'd date male betas only! I like being in control of my sex life - going in heat like omegas and alphas, being a slave to pheromones and losing control over sex is NOT my cup of tea! I like having sex when and where I want to, with whome I want to and for as long as I want to. So many Alphas and Omegas end up hav......   reply
09 03,2021
about question
Chuuya 16 07,2021
I'm sharing this link with the FBI as a tip for a potential child predator..... good luck not knowing if you're going to be talking to real kids or agents pretending to be kids so they catch you.   reply
16 07,2021
... call him Daddy!   reply
21 02,2021
You know what’s even more stupid about posting and tagging Mangago on your social media? Legally implicating yourself! Not only are you providing evidence that you’re consuming licensed content illegally but you’re also sharing it illegally by telling everyone about the site publicly! Wait for these ticktockers to get sued by the authors!! Th......   1 reply
27 06,2020
EDIT : Minors consuming 18+ content is their parents fault! You can’t blame the creators of 18+ content, they have a target market for their work and it ain’t kids! What you’re asking is for a PG rating on ALL content on the internet? A lot of parents fail at being parents, they had no business being parents in the first place! They are irres......   2 reply
02 08,2020
Chuuya 27 06,2020
You know what’s even more stupid about posting and tagging Mangago on your social media? Legally implicating yourself! Not only are you providing evidence that you’re consuming licensed content illegally but you’re also sharing it illegally by telling everyone about the site publicly! Wait for these ticktockers to get sued by the authors!! Th......   reply
27 06,2020
I bet you it's some crusty ass old man who still lives in his parents basement who wrote this. No one else but that type would vomit this sort of nonsense....WTF does this have to do with reading manga?   1 reply
25 04,2021
Chuuya 26 02,2021
We need harsher punishment for pedos! They seriously cant be rehabilitate, so many of them get prison time only to be released and abuse children again. I vote of castration and life without parole- both for female and male pedos.   1 reply
26 02,2021
Lol , I don't read user names when I'm commenting on posts or reading comments. I'll remember the comments but not who made them. I'm like this in real life too, I don't remember peoples names but I will recall them based on how we interacted or met e.g "the girl with the pink top who said...." or " The guy who was drinking coke at the cafe when ........   reply
17 04,2021
Goosebumps, Fear Street Saga, The Hardy Boys, The Famous Five, Nancy Drew, Harry Potter, Narnia and Sherlock Holmes. Not a series but my favourite childhood books, Through the looking glass and The Iittle Prince.   reply
23 01,2024
:)   reply
18 02,2021
This is a weird thing to ask on a manga site! There are some weird old creeps who post vulnerable topics on pretending to be kids so they can lure minors for goodness knows what. I would avoid this question or responding to this if you're a minor, the question looks suspicious! This person might not be 12 and this whole situation might ......   reply
02 01,2021
Chuuya 30 07,2020
Mine was years ago when I was still a teenager. I deluded myself into imagining what really happened when I was on my period! I always had really painful cramps and I whole heatedly believed it was because I had eggs with shells in my womb! When they cracked blood and deformed flesh would come out of them and then the shells of the egg would cut my......   1 reply
30 07,2020
I'm dropping this, we spent 2 years with Gojo sealed, only to have him come back and killed off screen? What was the point? He achieved nothing. What blanatant disrespect from the author. They should have kept him sealed if this was the case. They brought him back to kill him without him impacting the story at all. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧   reply
21 09,2023
about lmao
Ladies in red and blue... you can call them Foxy and Roxxane.   1 reply
10 04,2021
1. Laito Sakamaki. He’s a full fledged pervert too which makes me love him even more! Absolutely looooove his green eyes, red hair and the mole under his lips! I’ll be his bitch-kun any day of the week!   1 reply
30 06,2020
I'm a Beta! Both omegas and Alphas are always getting raped due to lack of control, I'm not about to live that life! I want my sexual encounters to be out of choice - not influenced by heats, ruts, pheromones and fated pairs!   reply
02 01,2021
Tried my best lol, but not sure if I nailed it! Might upload my real picture and quickly deleted it for reference! I edited in tattoos for my real life sleeve lol   1 reply
13 01,2021
It's winter and the cold dry air keeps me up at night, it's so painful to breathe. I almost died from getting sick because of it. I cant wait to get better and head out to buy a humidifier. I can't live my life like this. For now I've tried using my steamer for my clothes to add moisture into the air but it's not enough   1 reply
07 06,2021