jadeghost's answer (17)

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jadeghost 21 07,2020
Lee Mongryong from Madman Combo.   reply
21 07,2020
Maes Hughes' death in FMA and also what his daughter says at the funeral. I'm going to cry just thinking about it. Also, the very last scene in your lie in april when Kosei pulls out the picture of Kaori and he's in the background. That's the moment you realize the impact he had on her life.   reply
26 07,2020
I wish my friends and family understood what makes me uncomfortable. I'm very introverted, and being in settings with a large group of people I don't know is incredibly awful feeling to me. Hell I can't even talk on the phone to strangers. I get anxious over the smallest things, yet I don't feel that my friends understand that me saying I don't wan......   3 reply
02 08,2020
I grew up in Catholic family. I've done four of the sacraments: baptism, reconciliation, communion, and confirmation, and the conclusion I've reached is that same sex marriage is something to support. To break it down, sexuality isn't a choice; sexuality is a part of one's identity. From a religious stand point it's like saying that God created peo......   reply
04 08,2020
Biggest turn off: when one of the characters says they're in love with the other and then sleeps with someone else even though they aren't in an established relationship. (I also hate hate hate cheating). in yaoi, alot of times the romance and love is shown through the characters being physical and having sex, so I find it incredibly contradictory ......   1 reply
07 06,2020
I think one problem is that many fujoshis are young and lack exposure to information on what fetishization is whether it be lack of available info or the nature in which the info is presented. I think a key way to get people to stop or become aware is to not attack them. Once someone starts getting defensive, your message is never going to get thro......   2 reply
08 06,2020
Anything after the greed island arc in HxH is a no from me. I binged it pretty fast and then the Chimera ant arc hit... it was cool conceptually, but I found it so boring and never finished it. It just felt like such a let down after the hunter exam, the arena stuff, and greed island. Also, Free. It was too much about friendship for me. I wanted m......   reply
04 08,2020
I dropped love is an illusion, heaven and hell roman company, a guy like you, and every work by Brothers without a tomorrow (blood link, tale of the yellow dragon, and the two new ones added on here). Brothers without a tomorrow has good art and plots but their stories are just too long winded. Also, I didn't drop BJ Alex but I really wish I would......   reply
17 06,2020
I personally think that most of the works by Brothers Without a Tomorrow are overrated. They just get too long-winded for me. I haven't finished a single work by them despite reading almost all of both Blood Link and Tale of the Yellow Dragon. Totally Captivated is so overrated. Their relationship is dumb to me, and it sucks bc the uke had potenti......   1 reply
16 07,2020
I don't have one myself, but I know several people that have gotten one. I've never heard anyway say that they hurt that bad to get it pierced. However, I have heard that they get infected really easily and that it hurts when it's infected.   reply
02 08,2020
I wish I could change my personality and temperament. I'm such an introvert and creature of habit, and it really impedes on my ability to do such simple things. Not to mention I get anxious over everything. I would love to not feel like my heart is gonna explode just at the thought of talking to a stranger on the phone or in person. I would change ......   reply
09 08,2020
I don't drink alcohol, and I have no desire to so it really bothers me when people always pester me to do it (i.e. when people tell me to take sips, a shot, etc.) The other thing that bothers me is when I turn down a drink and someone, especially when they're a friend, tells me that the reason I don't drink is because I'm told to. I cannot stand wh......   reply
19 06,2020
Zaizen from Kachou Fuugetsu   reply
19 07,2020
Hell yeah. Sick ass wings + saving money by not having to buy bras? win-win   reply
27 07,2020
I didn't really get into anime until recently but one of the first anime characters that I thought was really damn attractive is Mikoshiba Seijuro from Free. Also, young Victor with the long hair from Yuri on Ice and Roy Mustang from FMA. I would say my current fictional character crushes are pt. 2 Joseph Joestar from Jojo and Kageyama and Akaashi......   reply
15 06,2020
I always liked this crazy bitch lol. We're even the same height and almost the same age.   reply
26 08,2020
(I live in the U.S.) I have a degree in criminal justice, and I think the protests are valid. The BLM movement has been trying for years to get change achieved in a peaceful manner, but the voices of the movement have been disregarded time and time again. Police, the government, the president, they all haven't listened, and enough is enough. Racial......   reply
06 06,2020