Sleeps In Sunbeams's question (20)

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Or just have fun with whatever
Lots of options on this one, especially for POC
06 08,2023
Mine depends on my mood ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Make your own style with these picrew and post if you like the result or just share your thoughts
02 01,2021
My guys sending all the warnings. What about yours?
12 09,2023
18 05,2021
Make and label a hero character, his lover and the bad guy you almost wish was the main character. You are welcome to substitute your own picrew but these are here as new options
04 03,2021
Have fun making a guy version of the popular "historical you" picrew.
12 08,2023
Now that truck-kun has ended your life on Earth, you find yourself in a new, magical world. You will soon be met by your new family, but first a panel appears before you. You get the opportunity for character creation!

Have fun with these picrews. You can make and share them all, but be sure to only pick ONE as your ultimate new you.
19 08,2023
This works well with your Myers Brigs typing which many have done already here.

For me I am an INFJ (Myers Brigs) with Enneagram type 5

Have fun (●'◡'●)ノ
18 04,2021
Ever done the Rorschach Inkblot Test? Have a go here and share your results.
25 04,2021
Let’s see what you can make with this
23 02,2021
What gender? This picrew is for an androgynous MC, but whether it’s Yaoi or not is up to you
06 03,2021
I am sorry, it was just too cute to not share lol. It even has a cat ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
24 08,2023
My response to all those who like to point out that I love ‘bad’ things (insert spooky music).

Hello obsessed ones! I saw another post with me in the heading. It’s exciting enough that I felt like writing too.

Yes, yes I do love a good taboo story. And no, I don’t get stressed if that bothers any of you. I am comfortable in my sexuality and people who try to shame me for my kinks, quirks and fetishes tend to get the message eventually; “I don’t care”. Coz, well I don’t ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

I am as open in person talking sex with my friends and my partner as I am here right now. I am pretty transparent with my family too if the need arises. You amuse me with your need to judge and shame me though. I love sharing some of the posts and wondering if I was ever that stupid when I was young. But tbh, I don’t think so. I can’t relate to much of the endless self pity and negative wallowing the young ones on the forums like to wade in as if it’s a badge of honour to be hating yourself. I think it’s why you try to drag me down. It must really ping your buttons to see someone who is happy with life and totally ok with herself. But I digress.

My reading likes.

Rape or dub con in a story can be very erotic if done well. I like to see if an author has the talent to make it so or if they just use it as a cheap tool.
If it’s done well (for me) I will want to see some sort of reason that a partner may understand.

For example, in Omegaverse it can be the primal drive of the alpha to claim and own, to mark and bind their person. Then, after the heat has died, their human side has to face the consequences. For some, they had a willing omega just as submerged in their own nature, but it’s still awkward. Others will be needing to put their sorries out there. It doesn’t matter to me, as long as genuine feeling plays a role. Love doesn’t have to be smooth and fluffy. Sometimes twisted and dark is seriously engaging. And in fiction, love makes me happy.

Sometimes a darker taboo of forced pleasure can be intriguing. Say one partner has shame in their history and the other is a dominant who can make them let go and submit themselves under their control. I am rather partial to well played dominant/submissive roles. Sadly, bondage isn’t my kink but I can enjoy a story about it nonetheless.

The incest stories. I surprised myself by enjoying some of these. I have only read the yaoi types, and have a few in my folders that you may choose to follow. The bad ones I don’t add, but the ones I have in my collection would have at least three stars. What I loved about those was predominantly the TABOO. I am a bit of a naughty girl, the forbidden is enticing. In fiction it harms none but it can be super hot.

Some of these authors have wicked skills in setting scenarios. As long as those in the story are guys and consenting then I can enjoy it. As I mentioned, no nasty ‘reality moment’ checks to take you out of the story. If it involved a girl then intrusive thoughts things like “power imbalance” and “deformed babies” pop in my head and that’s no longer erotic. It has to be kept in the world of fantasy to be enjoyable.

I do not like stories of abusers who only think of themselves.

I do not like pedophilia because there always a victim and power imbalance and the types of guy (or girl) who preys on a child is a lowlife scum. There is nothing erotic in inflicting lifelong mental scars on a child. I work with a lot of vulnerable children and am a mandated reporter. I have (and will continue to do so) reported any I feel to be in harms way.

I don’t know where the mlm fetisher came from. Pretty sure I said “ew” at the idea of looking at real guys and even thinking of them boning each other, let alone getting off to it. In the real world I like my one man tyvm.

So there you have it. I enjoyed writing this, being a chatty sort once I get going.

I was only targetted for all the hate because I stuck up for a person I felt was being bullied. It’s why I also changed my bio to say “half bisexual” because you may as well have a genuine reason to get pissy. Anyhoo, I am much happier for you to bully me instead, it doesn’t bother me. Feel free to unleash your venom in my direction. I will grab a wine and read a manga now (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
16 06,2021
It’s not a welcome back without plenty of picrew (apologies for the lack of skin colour diversity on the girl one)
04 04,2021