Cloverfr's answer (17)

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My parents ruined marriage for me, I looooooooove love stories, but for me that belongs to the fantasy world, I don't believe in real life love and I don't have the temperament to make it work it out, I would blur myself out of the picture in the first disagreement, add that the fact that I am ace. In the other hand I would like to be a parent to ......   1 reply
21 12,2020
Cloverfr 24 04,2021
I disagree with the way this guy is saying what he said. But there is this one thing I want to say about this endless posts about that r-day. "making awareness" of that day the way it was done is pretty much spreading that message even further, making men that didn't even know that was a thing aware of that. It's pretty much shooting oneself in th......   reply
24 04,2021
mf here just saying they have a crush, and you all be like thinking of marriage and incest children product of it, chill out. You just have a crush, I don't know how old you are tho, it will be more or less of a taboo depending on that age you have, my advice is that, well, it is not like you can control your feelings, and you seem to be aware tha......   reply
20 02,2021
I feel like people have lost the sense of humor, this is an old joke guys.   reply
11 04,2021
I was raised with Clamp, and they had left in me this "teacher x student" liking on me, I myself had a platonic liking towards a professor I had in college, the thing is, I personally enjoy it a lot when is about "student -->teacher" like a student dealing with their feelings for their teacher, I loooooooove when they confess sincerely, and the tea......   reply
08 03,2021
I think most are fine, like 60/40. I really dislike that kind of FL but I dislike even more the ML that creep on girls, the upsiy daisy, I accidentally fond your breasts and just saw you naked for half an hour while entering into the bathroom without touching first, hehe silly me.   2 reply
17 09,2020
I don't personally think is something wrong with thinking two people would look good together, as long as you don't pressure them into a relationship there is no harm.   reply
15 09,2020
I do think there are definitely aspects that are considered as fetishizing gay men in the BL gender, for example overly feminine guys always being the bottom, and aggressive overly masculine as tops. However, as someone who read BL-GL- Straight romance and smut. I can notice a patron as the romantization of toxic couples or romantization of rape i......   1 reply
23 01,2021
Since is fiction there is this grey area where practically everything is allowed, which does not mean it can't be criticized and judge, as long as you all perverts keep things under the radar where we can't find it, I don't mind. With all honestly I do have SOME very FEW "wrong ships", the Osomatsu san corrupted me, but to be fair I really don't t......   1 reply
08 10,2020
Cloverfr 11 07,2021
I mean, if you think that, shouldn't you prioritize taking that content down from this site? Or leave this site as a way to protest? IDK. Pining all that to one person when the very same site you are writing this has that content in the home page is off.   2 reply
11 07,2021
I am ace too, I haven't properly dated anyone tho, just when I was young and went with the flow. I personally don't even know my romantic orientation, in theory I would not mind the gender, but in practice? I have never tried anything, so I don't know for sure. I do fantasize about romance, I love romance in fiction after all, BUUUUUUUUUUUT, when ......   reply
21 02,2021
Cloverfr 21 01,2021
I feel so dumb How can all of you track who write these things? I have seen multiple times people calling out people in this section, while I have no idea how can you even know who makes this post because, at least I, can't see who writes them and check their profile. Can someone explain it to me please?   1 reply
21 01,2021
Copy-pasting my answer. I identify as asexual, I would personally be okay with my partner sleeping around because after all I am not looking for marriage, or long term relationships, and they having their own thing would make it easy to for me to not get attach, as long as they are honest and don't use me to cheat on someone, I'm fine. I think you......   reply
10 08,2020
about have sex
I am not straight and I don't think I belong to the lgbt+ community either? I think?, I'm asexual, can I be considered neutral? idk if that's how it works lol, so... I personally don't mind them getting off on that content, after all, it is done in their privacy, the whole "UKE UWU SEME UVU *---* ", thing... yeah, that's my only complaint in the ma......   reply
06 09,2020
about question
Go back to twitter.   1 reply
07 04,2021
I'm asexual what the hell, mistress, ME? UMmmmmm.... 98% Rigger 92% Master/Mistress 90% Vanilla 88% Dominant 74% Voyeur 69% Ageplayer 68% Degrader 62% Sadist 61% Daddy/Mommy 60% Primal (Hunter) 56% Brat tamer 55% Owner 53% Masochist 48% Switch 48% Experimentalist 37% Exhibitionist 30% Boy/Girl 30% Slave 28% Non-monogamist 15% Pr......   reply
27 08,2020
I think that you could present this better, for example naming the most problematic aspects about it. There is something I would like to clarify, as it does seem many people are not aware of it, most of the people that form part of this type of communities, is truth, are indeed women, but is in about a 60% or even 70% queer women, straight women d......   1 reply
09 01,2021