Lus's answer (2)

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29 10,2019
Fujoshi, personne de sexe féminin qui aime le yaoi et tout le tralala. Fudanshi pour une personne de sexe masculin. Je voudrais bien être ta fujoshi friend mais hélas je suis un fudanshi, en revanche si tu veux aussi d'un fudanshi friend j'suis là ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   1 reply
29 10,2019
My very first approach to the yaoi was by a shonen-ai entilted No.9(i didn't knew it was a shonen-ai or what was a shonen-ai so it was really unexpected for me to see how it ended, kinda appreaciated it), after a while i think i've found Junjou Romantica and started to look for other yaois. ლ(´ڡ`ლ) Then with time I eventually became a fudans......   reply
28 10,2019