May's answer (4)

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about penpals
May 17 04,2018
Another muslim here from a homophobic family! I didn't expect so many to respond here, how about that.   reply
17 04,2018
Tbh, my main problem with shota, from what I've seen, is that it is super sexual. I don't rly encounter an innocent love between children, which i think I might like. I dunno if this is just what I've come across because it's not my preference (16+ please) so i don't go searching for shota, but it looks pretty hardcore and pedophillic to the point ......   reply
17 04,2018
I am 26 and in a sort of similar position. I fear modern adult relationships because I believe they always come with expectations of sex. It gives me great anxiety and one of the reasons I've developed a bit of a relationship phobia. But I'm not a virgin just because, I am one by choice, it's not something I care to jump into, I'd say I even fear i......   3 reply
22 10,2018
about penpals
Well, I've only been to Paris before but I found it architecturally beautiful (what a shame about Notre Dame). The people there weren't very friendly to tourists, though luckily I spoke french with a decent enough accent to not be identified as one haha. I remember that the crepes were totally disappointing! no matter where I went, they were soggy ......   1 reply
01 05,2019