May's question (1)

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May 21 11,2019
I enjoy reading yaoi but something about het just makes me flinch. I can't help that it sorta grosses me out. I identified more or less the reasons for that:

1- I am a straight female and so have no sexual interest in the female body

2- I don't read these sorts of things for self-insert reasons. I understand that a lot of people who enjoy het tend to imagine themself in the male or female's position depending on their gender. Kinda like how a guy might watch a porno and imagine/wish it were him that was doing the effing lol. So yeah, I don't need a female character there to imagine myself in her position, I'm not in it for that.

Those are the main points but I'm interested to know that if anyone feels similarly why do you think that is.

I'm not asking why you prefer yaoi (the dynamics of the male/male can definitely offer up a different type of story), but if het kinda squicks you out and why?
21 11,2019