Whadashaa's question (1)

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Henlo, very bored 19 year old (shortly before starting university) person here!
Since I think I haven't mentioned this within the first three sentences, I'm gonna put it out here: I'm pretty bored!

Meaning I decided to "try" and meet some new people (who are interested in manga etc).
So if anyone is as bored as me and interested in chatting with a fellow stranger, hit me up on LINE I guess! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ (ID a lil bit further down below)

The only few Requirements that I usually have are:
- Be a human
- Have some common decency
- Be accepting of the LGBT+ Community (Since I'm myself a part of it, it would be pretty awkward and annoying if you know u are talking to a "LGBT+"phobe, lmao)
- There isn't necessarly an "Age-requirement". Just be a kind person is enough honestly! lol (⌒▽⌒)

As far as my manga interest goes (aside from Anime/Light/Visual Novels)
I'm mainly interested in Romance stuff (Yuri/Shoujou-Ai ; Yaoi/Shounen-Ai ; etc.) but I absolutely don't mind other genres (Honestly is "genre" or "genres" the plural of "genre" I could google it up, but oh damn I'm lazy) as well!
I do know that a lot of people are into K-Pop, but tbh I haven't really been listening to much K-Pop in the last few years at all, so if u have any good recommendations that would be cool. (To get that covered xD)

And in general I'm a pretty open person (yet incredibly introverted and shy I wouldn't lie [I think] if I would proclaim myself here as one of the most introverted people here! oof nothing somebody should be proud, yikes)
So technically I'm open to talk about anything really.

I think I tried to meet people on mangago once before, but it kinda went nowwhere in the end, so maybe... second time is the charm? ( ̄へ ̄)

TL;DR: U are bored? U want to chat with somebody who is also bored? U are a kind person with some common decency? U have skipped all the way down here u naughty puppy? Then hit me up on LINE and share the absolute Boredom! ( ̄∇ ̄")

Line ID: sakura_mgs
15 09,2019