hunnitbae's answer (7)

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"why... do i like this?"   1 reply
14 02,2021
i- sweetie, evaporate.   reply
05 02,2021
about question
i swear im not this cute irl   reply
30 04,2021
about question
if authors can't portray their only female lead right, she's going to be hated. there are a handful of male leads who also receive the same backlash bc of the same reason. maybe FL hate is all you've seen. iono what you been readin tho   reply
15 08,2023
i came here wondering what foods were good but i cant w yall   reply
06 07,2021
oh this is gonna be a LONG one. i had a crush on this cute boy when we were around 13 i think? up until then, i had crushes on my teachers bc i was bullied by everyone else lol. i confessed once when we were 14, went over his head and i never tried again. cried for hours and blocked his dense ass bc i was so embarrassed he got a girlfriend when ......   1 reply
03 08,2023