Zarita's answer (3)

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I've made another comment in this subject, but here is my honest answer. Your mother is sexually harassing you. It is not ok. The moment you felt disturbed by it and vocalized it, she should have respected your feelings and stopped. I understand you probably don't want to call the cops or child services or anything like that on your mother, esp......   1 reply
24 10,2020
Ok, first off. For anyone who reads this find one thing you love about yourself, and own it. With that knowledge you can fend off all the BS, seriously. Second, I'm going to list some of the pick up lines/sexual harassment I received at different part time jobs and club activities during college. 1. (Working at a gas station restocking shelves) "......   1 reply
19 01,2021
Zarita 19 01,2021
The first chapter is out here now, if that doesn't work for you it is also on Mangadex.   1 reply
19 01,2021