Paint's answer (8)

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about question
Oh boy do I got just the thing for you. Feel constipated? Say less. Feel horny? double less. Two in one function.   1 reply
28 09,2023
Paint 09 10,2023
Have one cat we named Pablo Escobar. In his passport and documents it's actually "Don Pablo Escobar" even lol Story how we named him wasn't particularly interesting, we couldnt decide and somebody started suggesting names of drug lords until we landed on Pablo Escobar. Also, obsessed with your cats, they sound lovely!   1 reply
09 10,2023
Paint 26 09,2023
Dress it in old-man clothes, pose on your armchair and claim its your grandpappy.   reply
26 09,2023
Batman himself couldn't pry some of the information you people admit on here out of me I'll be there on your funeral tho   reply
30 09,2023
about question
Paint 12 01,2024
Kind of have to agree. I don't mind the covers with couples on it (like most where they look at each other, kiss, hold hands, etc etc)- bit the full on nudity with those annoying ahego faces and shit? irritating sometimes. I get the website is meant for whatever is majorly popular but a filter for nudity wouldn't be so bad. In any case, I can't fa......   reply
12 01,2024
about question
Feel it's necessary to include if I wasn't clear, just don't post author names or anything lol, I was just curious of what fandoms you guys have read that you didn't enjoy as much. If you want to give an example, just write it out   reply
12 01,2024
Its super embarrassing when people say stuff like that despite being gen z, especially those who claim they wish they were teens in the 80's and 90's while looking past the numerous issues teens and children faced then. They had bigger issues regarding teens using hard drugs, sexual exploitation, suicide, etc due to not being knowledgeable about su......   1 reply
26 09,2023
about have sex
Paint 26 09,2023
Here I'll answer the question: No.   reply
26 09,2023