Naomi's question (8)

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1. Your friend's/sibling's ex
2. Your friend's sibling
3. Your childhood friend
4. Your boss/subordinate
5. Your sibling's friend/classmate

I know some of this happens a lot in mangas but I imagine it might be more awkward irl idk- And no I'm not putting teacher/student because that's just.... no.

My answer:
1. This is a dilemma I'm facing atm. My friend went out with this guy for a couple months last year and they broke up peacefully. They found out they were too similar and decided to just stay as friends. (If the break-up was horrible/if the other party treats my friend badly it's a definite no). I'm starting to like the guy but it's still weird?? I keep thinking, "STOP liking him he's your friend's ex ffs"

2. Yes. It'll be awkward but wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.

3. Honestly no. They're practically siblings that I can't see them romantically and/or sexually.

4. No. I'm sure some people can make it work but I personally don't think I would. Conflict of interest.

5. Same answer as number 2.
03 09,2020
When you interact with someone new, what's the first thing you notice/what catches your attention first and why?

- Height
- Face
- Fashion style
- Smell
- Voice
- Body gestures/language
- Other

For me, it's definitely either smell or voice. I dislike perfume so I'm more comfortable with people who don't use it. I also notice voice because their tone really helps in knowing how the interaction is going (?)
02 09,2020
26 08,2020
Ok, let's do a normal question this time. Do you guys play board games often? Have any recommendations?

I've played & recommend:
Avalon, Codenames, Telestrations, One Night Werewolf, Bang, Exploding Kittens, Settlers of Catan, Tickets to Ride
26 08,2020
What are some popular ships you dislike? For me, it's Shizaya (Drrr), BakuDeku (MHA), and MakoHaru (Free)
23 07,2020
For me, it's Saitou Soma hands down. The way he talks is just so soothing. Then when the ero scenes came on BAM, so sexy~
30 05,2020
I had one yesterday. It's not necessarily weird, but maybe it's a sign I've been reading too much yaoi. I dreamt that I was a guy and I had sex with another guy. I was the top. I felt guilty because I don't want to fetishize gay sex or anything.
04 05,2020
23 08,2020
"Heh... Orange-kun, your juice is overflowing. Look at how wet and sticky you are," Banana smirked as he rubs against Orange.

"N-No... don't..." Orange blushed.

"You're twitching. I know you want me," Banana rubs harder and prods into Orange.

"Nn..Ngh! Banana-kun...! If you keep doing that, I'm going to burst!"

Banana started to thrust faster and faster.

"No...Noooo!! I'm bursting...! I'm bursting!!" Orange's juice got all over Banana. Banana smiled with satisfaction, licking the orange juice. Orange collapsed, feeling drained.

To add to these silly fanfictions that have been popping up. Shitty writing, I know. But I mean change the fruits to names and it'll most yaoi manga sex scene.
23 08,2020