MaYoDiNo's experience (7)

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A few years ago, I was going thru it. Mentally, emotionally and i had the worst depression of my life cause a certain toxic asshole wanted to get back at me. So I did the one thing he hated. I cut my hair short and dyed to make him hate me even more. It was like all the weight went away and I did every color i could get my hands on. I messed up cut......   reply
12 05,2021
MaYoDiNo 12 05,2021
So, I'm a mom of 1 and at first I was against having kids cause I already knew the hardships. I took care of my niece her first few years of life till she got older and I told myself I'm never having kids after that. Then boom, my baby daddy came into my life and I'm with 1 kid. Thank god I didnt have another cause it would have mentally drained my......   reply
12 05,2021
I stopped believing when I turned 16 after a very bad traumatic experience. I even questioned life. :/   reply
12 05,2021
So when I was in high school, there was this dude who I met in spanish class. And he was like infamous for some reason. And we started talking in class cause he want to know me. At first he was testing me, it was super weird cause I was dating this jerk. So after I got to know him, i started to like him cause of his bad personality and how stupidly......   1 reply
12 05,2021
MaYoDiNo 15 05,2021
When I get into something really good I'll stay up the while night and read. And since I have nothing else to do with my life I just read what I find.   reply
15 05,2021
Okay, so, I know a few guys with fetishes and kinks. My ex had this butt fetish, bdsm, stuff like that. But I know this one dude! Who's like super into bdsm that he had a tasor! A friend told me this. So the dude was having seggs with this girl and her tasored her!!! In the butthole!! He also did something else but I don't remember.   3 reply
14 05,2021
So, the last few months have been so weird that I legit have the weirdest dreams. Like, have seggs with my ex and an old crush appearing in my dreams. But they get so weird that I feel like I'm on fuxking acid! Or robo tripping! Like I've seen signs in my dreams; but I never fully look it up until i feel the need to. Like this one time I had this d......   1 reply
12 05,2021