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s(O_O)s 19 03,2021
Where did the Obama x sang woo ship come from?
19 03,2021
I was recently scrolling through my followers and following on Instagram, and I discovered that I don't follow my friend on her second private account which has pictures. I used to follow it and I must have accidently clicked unfollow since it only takes one click. And the thing is, I could have done it even a year ago. I just pressed request to follow yesterday. I still follow her main account and we used to message on that account frequently but never on her second account. I felt guilty for unfollowing one of her accounts. I don't know if she's noticed or if she's bitter?

While you're on here, can anyone give me tips on talking with her or relieving my anxiety? We used to be best friends a few years ago until she moved schools. We used to text all the time, but after she moved schools, I felt more and more distant from her. The last time I texted her was 2 months ago and once, I went 4-5 months without contacting her. I felt like a bad friend because I promised her that I would contact her often. I feel like our current conversations are kind of shallow, like how are you doing, what's going on in school, and what are doing during the weekend? Last time I saw her in person was one or two months before quarantine with our friend group when we were hanging out. I felt awkward with her in person and sometimes, I feel nervous about texting or talking to her because I feel like we're distant even though she just goes to another school in the area.

She has new friends now at her new school so I'm sure she has people to talk to, but I feel guilty for not being as close to her as I used to be.
20 05,2021
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I'm just curious and I want to see some more memes...
07 04,2021
Why is it deemed so important? Is it to satisfy society or to satisfy some emptiness in their life?
06 04,2021
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YD? There’s nothing else
13 07,2021
I sorta like all fruit except for stuff like papaya and strawberries.
18 04,2021
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Yesterday night I just busted my screen protector on my phone by dropping it flat on the floor. Thankfully, the phone itself was not affected. I also remember that time I busted my mom’s older phone on the concrete. It became mine but the bottom options like home and back could not be used so I had to devise a way using the settings and notifications so I could play games on it.
28 05,2021
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Sometimes, I randomly remember this Vietnamese classmate from when I was like 7 or 8 years old. China and Vietnam have had conflicts and tensions, and this boy said something around the lines of, "It's you and your family and China's fault that Vietnam suffered." Like, why you brought me and my family into this, it's not like we're involved. My parents haven't been there for decades except for visiting, and I was not born in China. I still don't know how to feel. He was a little kid, so I could forgive him, he probably hear his parents talking or saw the news they were watching. To this day, all I think is, "what the hell was that?"
29 04,2021
about lmao
s(O_O)s 08 04,2021
08 04,2021
I was crying a bit earlier because I was feeling sad and pathetic. I don't know why, but I sometimes I have these weird episodes that I feel depressed and have low self-esteem and feel unfulfilled. But then I started studying in my textbook and it temporarily took my mind off, which made me feel a bit better, but I once I start crying, it's hard to stop.
What are some of your coping mechanisms?
21 05,2021
about question
I have 3 solar dancers; one is an unicorn, one is a bird, and one of them is a hedgehog. I bought them because it was cute. I also bought a snow globe that was Easter themed and had a bunny because it was adorable. They were all cheap so I don’t really regret it. On a trip, I also bought a puzzle set and a blocks set.
25 05,2021