dude's answer (3)

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about crying
I personally didn't have a huge problem when mangago shut down but still, I don't think it's like a really bad thing, people can do whatever the fuck they want, it doesn't affect you so stop judging. Also no one said it was "cute", stop being a pick me.   reply
17 03,2021
I couldn't find a smile with the right mouth size so I'm frowning, I'm not actually grumpy. :)   1 reply
14 01,2021
dude 24 06,2020
What in the actual fuck is wrong with you? If you just wanted to be a man because that's what would make you feel comfortable in your own skin, that would be fine and good. But the fact that you only want to be a man so that you could objectify gay men, into your own personal fantasy, is disgusting. Also hate to break it to you sweetheart, but thin......   3 reply
24 06,2020