first 5 minutes of the banner i won the 50/50 and kazuha came home
i wasted the other 80 fates i saved up so now im guaranteed for the next 5 star i want because I got jeans constellation.
i only need xiao to complete the 4nemo band now sob reply
i have already given up on getting Xiao...ive gotten Jean, Bennet, Beidou, Diona, and Razor in the process though. i also got a billion weapons that arent any good. 3 reply
my mom is black and my father was born and raised in south korea. my parents aren't too bad but are sometimes a little excessive. if you have grade below a 90 in my household you get everything taken away until it's a 90 or higher. i don't even wanna talk about chores and our sport requirement. my parents require us to play a sport of our choice so...... reply