iatethatthing's answer page 2 (48)

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here ig   reply
27 12,2020
27 12,2020
wait what, why would you wanna read that   reply
30 04,2021
first 5 minutes of the banner i won the 50/50 and kazuha came home i wasted the other 80 fates i saved up so now im guaranteed for the next 5 star i want because I got jeans constellation. i only need xiao to complete the 4nemo band now sob   reply
05 07,2021
ar27 and i have over half the characters in the game somehow. my team rn is Chongyun, Razor, Diona and Xingqiu.   1 reply
21 02,2021
about question
hm   reply
10 03,2021
about dating
INTP   reply
13 07,2021
i have already given up on getting Xiao...ive gotten Jean, Bennet, Beidou, Diona, and Razor in the process though. i also got a billion weapons that arent any good.   3 reply
17 02,2021
iatethatthing 26 12,2020
26 12,2020
i dont know what it is, but guys with long hair is just perfection   reply
23 04,2021
ex-boyfriend now he was demoted to best friend.   reply
22 05,2021
about drawing
iatethatthing 08 03,2021
made this awhile back.   reply
08 03,2021
22 07,2021
pretty   reply
13 03,2021
about question
just...one of my ocs   reply
24 05,2021
my mom is black and my father was born and raised in south korea. my parents aren't too bad but are sometimes a little excessive. if you have grade below a 90 in my household you get everything taken away until it's a 90 or higher. i don't even wanna talk about chores and our sport requirement. my parents require us to play a sport of our choice so......   reply
20 01,2021
damn   reply
10 03,2021