「UFO♪ 」's answer page 1 (1174)
Whose gonna tell him who makes Yaoi
1 reply
19 07,2021
I personally get annoyed with the people who bring race into everything like goddamn WHO CARES ITS A CHARACTER DEAL WITH IT!
Or those people that would be like “you wouldn’t be saying this if she was a man” like huuuuuuh? If the bitch is a HOMEWRECKING WHORE ON PURPOSE BECAUSE ITS A GAME TO HER ima call her out on it whether she’s a queen......
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24 02,2021
When will you people learn KILLING STALKING IS NOT A BL
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20 07,2021
I’m laughing so hard right now I had no idea what some of the words even meant and I was desperately wishing their was a maybe or sometimes button it’s the river of Styx for me!
8 reply
15 12,2020
Um okay who cares it’s fucking hair... if you’re hair is able to handle it then do it.
Other note this gives off the same energy of people that wish they were gay men and that is creepy asf
You can disagree with me but don’t call me a racial slur thx @TastySoap you’re opinion is invalid the moment you feel the need to call me that ~
3 reply
22 05,2021
Sorry that not everyone is a street hoe???
05 06,2021
I forget the part where your insecurities were my problem.
18 05,2021
Nope not always. It got this way when the tiktok children got on here and decided they wanted to change society for the “better” and then idk where these people came from
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01 06,2021
Sitting here trying to find anyone that mentions traits I have
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01 03,2021
I don’t want you to know where I live fucking creep
09 06,2021
Bruh this happened to me in fucking like 1st grade I was at one of child daycare places that had a playground there was this kid in the tunnel thing blocking the way and I pushed him ending up falling on him when I was getting up my hand touched that shit and instead of just removing my fucking hands I squished that shit between my fingers.... IM. ......
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15 10,2020
Pfffft that’s fucking tragic
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12 07,2021
Dumbest hoes I know are on this site. Why tf you answering this?
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01 05,2021
The bitches that go “Read another story then” or “ be grateful it even updated!” When you can barely even understand the google translations that was the update... I swear one of these days ima find out where they live and murder their asses
Also those stupid ass “omg he’s so kawaii (≧∀≦)” fuckers I hate them so goddamn much .......
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16 10,2020
Here’s what you do either copy pasta some shit from the Internet or because I’m pretty sure your sister is a dumbass so she won’t notice or even care to reread what you wrote write a bullshit paragraph and introduction feigning that it’s about what she wanted and then just write nonsense like “if the doctor had licked the black man it wou......
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18 04,2021
Stare at them until they get uncomfortable by your existence
06 12,2020
I feel like all of y’all need to stop reading Yaoi/ smut since literally 90% of them are the same.... read shouenen ai or whatever choose a different genre cuz it’s obvious y’all don’t like this one I’m tired of seeing this annoying shit like okay you don’t like good for you now move on with your life. Imagine making a whole ass club de......
6 reply
07 10,2020