Azu-Chan's answer (5)

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Here my bby~♪ (=・ω・=) Edit: Did mangago just delete my answer????   reply
11 01,2021
Errmm...Here if you need it...??? Anyways, I made 2. (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ ;333 ~♪   reply
11 01,2021
Uwahhh~, So beautiful~!ヾ(☆▽☆)/   reply
11 01,2021
Eheh~! Here some of my OCs~♪ Don't be fooled it's a girl :333. It's a boiヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ This is also a boi(///˘◡˘///)~   reply
11 01,2021
I look too edgy..... ...and sneaky too U^Y. At least that came out okay???   reply
11 01,2021