Cornflake_eater's answer (10)
honestly I never knew that rape was a problem in yaoi (maybe it's cuz I usually skip over all the smutty parts lol) but that's kinda concerning.
I guess the reason why I hate yaoi is that it's always so structural. There's ALWAYS a top and a bottom and the top is always masculine and completely dominates the other one who's small, meek, ect ect. ......
29 03,2020
1) I'm religious but people tend to not think my religon is 'real' because it really isn't that mainstream compared to christianity^^;
2) Athiests are cool in my book! You should be allowed to do whatever you want as long as you're not hurting anyone. Honestly, people shouldn't put their
beliefs above other people. That's just wrong. The reason wh......
06 04,2020
Bruh people who say 'oh it's Japan. That's normal' are fucked up. Like????? What????? In some parts of the world child marriage is normal but we don't act like that's okay over there?
I'm not saying that we should like completely ban things like that....but I just wish there was an author's note or something in the beginning admitting that the con......
1 reply
15 02,2021
Honestly the whole Fujoshi thing is just teen girls liking two guys but not having the courage to admit it. In short, it’s a fetish for them. Usually they grow out of it. The problem arises when fujoshis push their propaganda on actual gay people. People need to know that there is a stark difference between reality and fiction. I suppose this hap......
1 reply
11 03,2020
Yeah no duh you’ll call the police but this is a WYGD soooooooo we can do whatever we want!
So anyway, I would try to eat them.
11 03,2020
ya sure, then I'll just stick with shounen Ai lol
06 05,2020
tell them to mind their own business. Yaoi isn't problematic, it's the fans that make it problematic. Yaoi does encourage people to fetishize gay people, but people need to realize that gay couples aren't goddamn objects. If you stay in your lane, you'll be good. Don't let people tell you to stop doing the things that make you happy.
1 reply
05 07,2020
I got Omega???? *T-poses agressively* Do you NOT see me asserting my dominance????
2 reply
06 05,2020
omg just looked up what a shota con is. thanks i hate it. and i know op is a troll but seeing ppl square up like this is just so satisfying.
02 05,2020