Skoopy's question (10)

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First of all fuck you mangago you dumb poopy website how dare you delete my shit >:( ok so like I worked hard on that bro I took time out of my day to happily create something to bless people with AND WHEN IM FINISHED WITH IT YOU DECIDE TO DELETE IT?? FUCK YOUUUU I’m still angry that you also RESTRICTED MY ACCOUNT FOR A WHOLE YEAR and now you’re deleting my stuff like I know it’s probably automatically deleting shit because they think it’s spam but it’s not spam I demand you repost it or I’ll sue you for 2 dollars.
Stop harassing me mangago or I’ll literally make out with your dog
I’ll leave a comment down below what they deleted I skoopy
16 05,2021
about question
Preferably exaggerated crying ones, my friend can’t stop dying over the simple little stick figures on the ground crying it’s so funny I need to fuel this. But I want anything doesn’t have to be crying lol just wanna laugh. Give me like dumb photos of something. Thank you <3
30 11,2023

It has my address, me, my family, ME AS A CHILDDDD.

also it’s fucking 2:18 am. I hope they’re not a working class citizen because it’s like 10+ things they’re going to get spammed. And it’s still sending. This is all from my iPod. I typed on wrong number and clicked send, the ironic thing is that while I accidentally clicked send I was thinking “imagine I send these to the wrong number” I look up and see the wrong number oh shit . I turned my WiFi off but they still sent man. How can I like kill this person? Steal their phone? Please hook me up yall this is so embarrassing.

Have you ever sent something to the wrong number?
31 01,2024
about draw yaoi
I personally would love if we could sort our reading/already read by star ratings. I like that we can see everything we tagged and click specific ones but some mangas I’ve rated 5 stars I never put a tag on and it’s a hassle scrolling through ALL of my read/ing just to find them. What about you?
14 11,2023
Omega women must have it tough man... they gotta deal with periods and heats. 24/7 bleeding and horny. That’s probably why there’s not many female omega shit because they’re all dead locked in their houses. The Exhaustion.

Ok another thing I love how in yaoi they’re like “male omegas are so rare” and then literally every single omega in the story is male like I have barely seen any lady omega... only girl alphas.... WHICH SUPPORTS MY THEORY THAT THEY ALL DIE
12 05,2021
The yaois been pretty dry lately, I’m just bored you know. Tell me a juicy story like a dark secret or just something that’ll make you go “ damnnnnnn” .
28 07,2020
about question
Anyone else who’s recently growing up feel extremely uncomfortable reading anything with underage characters in it. Like it’s set in highschool or something. I used to not see a problem with it because I was that age(same as the characters) but now that im older then them it’s just straight weird. I understand the highschool setting but having explicit scenes included… idk man. Also what I find even more weird is all these mangakas are well into their 20’s+!!! Just make it college setting or make it shounen ai, tf do you need two 16 year olds going at it for. It genuinely makes me feel sick.

This is insanely normalized.

I don’t understand how someone who is deciding to make a whole manga, with an editor, publisher, etc. who’s is an adult, is approved and can all think it’s fine to make something with these types of characters.

If you’re under 18 you’re probably not gonna understand. Or this isn’t something you’re worrying about so just move on.
03 01,2024
about question
I checked my comments and almost all of them have 2 or more dislikes. Some have 1 which is understandable because missclicks but others that had 0 before now got 3, even on the comment on an unpopular one shot from like 5 years ago. Is someone camping and disliking or is this a glitch (I think I remember this happening a few years back).

I don’t mind it I’m just curious. I’ve honestly said some dumb and questionable stuff so I support this act. But please dm me and lmk before you keep going cause I need answers.

I’ve got opps. (`_´)ゞ
01 01,2024
If they have a story behind them you can tell them
02 05,2021
In school there was a bunch of weebs so I decided to give what they were going batshit crazy about a try. After that I got into anime for about a solid year, I watched every anime you could ever think of (not really tho but I watched a hell of a lot). Then a bunch of poop happened and I went into this prison like behavioral fixer place (we don’t talk about that (● ̄(エ) ̄●) ) for like a week. During that time I saw this girl who brought a manga in (they allowed us to bring books in for entertainment) and it was an anime I recognized, me being the annoying “oh I’m a fucking weeb” was like omg no way I watched that wow h ahaha! And she let me read it (I forgot the name but it was teacher x student and they all had big heads).“ I’m done with anime after I get out I’m devoting myself to manga” prison had an effect on me. Then when I got home ( I got home early cuz I was a good girl ^^) (lmao ok I’ll go jump off a bridge) I remember the first manga I read was that black crow or something it was the one where they’re monsters like crow people in a monster high school idk it was smut and I was shook. Thennnnnnnnn I started to read yaoi and my mind was shook even more because like yeah I watched yaoi anime’s but nothing with fucking in it (and I didn’t really read much smut anyways and they weren’t as intense as yaoi) and I was like yoo de fuk but I also liked it cuz I always craved for more than a kiss and those shoujo highschool romances and the shounen ai never gave me that shit. So yeah I fell in love with manga and have been a devoted follower ever since. Anime could never.
07 06,2020