Cosmic Gaything's question (3)

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about question
I just randomly lost interest a few months ago after being into this stuff for nearly a decade (apart from when I developed severe anhedonia a while back). I made a post about it a few weeks ago. Don't know what could have triggered it. I miss looking forward to updates for my favorite manga and manhwa. It sucks that they've all updated and I just don't care to read them, even though I was so invested in them before. Nothing has replaced this activity so I just spend my days scrolling Reddit.

I miss BL so much. Please, brain, take pity on me and let me actually feel like reading it again

If anyone else has gone through something like this before and wants to share their own experience, please do. Should I just give up on ever getting back into manga/manhwa and find new hobbies?
22 days
Hey! I recently got back into writing and I was wondering in anyone would like to be buddies with me. We could share our work with each other and give each other constructive critism. I've also wanted to make a webcomic for a long time, so I'd be fine with someone who wants to make one as well. It would be great if we could become friends.
I've got Instagram, Discord, and Line, but I prefer to use ig or Discord. If you're interested you can leave your id below or send me a private message. If a lot of people respond though I could make a discord server or group chat for all of us to participate in.
22 07,2019
about penpals
join our new manga/yaoi discord server!
we're friendly and open to people of all backgrounds
14 09,2019