brrr's answer page 1 (76)

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Pokemon. I loved it so much, I first saw Pokemon when I was around 6 or 7, and I loved it. It appeared on my TV once and I stole the remote when my brother changed the channel. I saw the manga in libraries sometimes, and of course I checked them out. I even bought Pokemon cards even though I did nothing with them, haha.. I would stare in awe at th......   1 reply
30 12,2020
about question
:3   reply
10 09,2023
Baby's are cute, but if it's going to feed on me until I'm just bones, just murder it. Kill the bloody creature damnit. IT'S NOT EVEN A BABY ANYMORE   reply
06 05,2021
“Can you play with me?” Brother, sweet, idiotic, brother, you know for the past 1,000 years I've said no, and I'll always say no because I'm stubborn like that. “Why don't you talk?” Classmates, fellow peers, you know I have no fucking idea what the answer to that question is, you've asked a million times. Please, can't you at least shut t......   1 reply
17 12,2020
I don't expect to get married now or anytime in the future because I'm not interested or have any feelings for anyone. Besides, It seems really complicated having a partner knowing it's going to be troublesome for me when I can't even give people what they want. Heck, I don't even know how to start a conversation or even know how to socialize!   reply
03 02,2020
Something REALLY juicy? hmhmhMMM... Oh yeah, so when I was a tiny innocent child, I lived with another family who I think were friends with my mom, and they had a boy who was a bit younger than me, and so if I remember correctly the boy's parents had some adult AVs, and so their little boy would sexually harass me, and then leave, I honestly thin......   reply
03 08,2020
about question
hijack their alien spaceship then fly to their mothership and take over the alien race.   1 reply
02 06,2021
I'm barely keeping my mentality from breaking. I mean, it's crumbled enough, and school be hitting it away with a fucking hammer. I used to be this sweet girl, but the real world hits hard. I get good grades, but it's still stressful. I don't study, I use my memory because I prefer to. Studying stresses me out. I switched schools a lot for differen......   1 reply
07 01,2021
I'm pretty basic.   reply
24 05,2021
My country claims to be a free country, and for four years was led by someone called Donald Dump. I personally thought he was a pumpkin.   reply
13 03,2021
I get to stab with my pencil.   reply
05 06,2021
If I keep adding stuff to my want to read, eventually I'll have to read them all and until then I can't give up because I don't like doing something and finishing halfway, so I'm really just forcing myself to continue existing. I also keep telling myself, "If I can stay strong for just one year, I can keep going for another year or so." which make......   reply
08 06,2021
04 06,2021
Someone explain what's going on I don't know what's happening or who this person is   4 reply
04 06,2021
#1#2#3 My favorite is #3ヽ( 'ω' )ノ   reply
16 02,2021
Yeah, me. I don't do social interaction, I fear for dear life. adults intimidate me, I'd never answer a question, I could never speak, I can't make friends easily, and I would visit the counselor frequently. Not of my own will of course. I'm always asked, "Why don't you talk?" I never know the answer to that question. Even if I did, I wouldn't ......   reply
25 08,2020
Okay which one, Non-professional procrastinator, Depressing little shit, OR, Mother's big mistake?   3 reply
30 08,2020
My brother may have told me he's gay but that doesn't mean I'm going to tell him I read yaoi. And that just makes it even more uncomfortable.. But my mom definitely knows. I didn't tell her, she found out.   2 reply
06 05,2021
Not really, I won't support them. But they are delicious eye candy(∂ω∂) (Except Rashta)   reply
09 03,2021
I do feel that way sometimes. Sometimes I'm laying in bed and I feel so empty and fresh, my brain empty and I'm filled with peace, and I begin to wonder if God really does exist. I often feel negative, I feel like if I don't find out what I want to say, what I want to write, what I want to get across to people, then I would have lived a worthless a......   reply
21 01,2021
Everyone in my family is blind, even little June. June looks a lot like me, but with a totally opposite personality, she's brave, actually ISN'T scared of spiders, and likes bug hunting.But not Jay, Jay has 20/20 vision, he will break the cycle! And Jay is shy like me. Jay likes video games and cooking. June is a meat lover, a real carnivore. Likes......   1 reply
20 07,2021