sorry, I thought thinking I was attracted to both genders was a given. obviously i didn't come out purely because i sat in a chair wrong. i had what seemed to be a crush on someone of the same sex, but it was a one time thing and never happened again. since I was young this was a major issue I had never felt this way ...... 4 reply
define F,
if your being marked in letter/number grade and getting anything below a passing mark is deemed a 0 then yea, fuck that shit
if your marked in percentage a 20% is better than a 0%.
up to you in the end good luck man 2 reply
I don't want a relationship because I hate the way I act around guys I like, I become so submissive and lose so much of my personality. I really like the way I am when I'm alone and my self confidence is through the roof, but when I'm with someone else I get insecure about everything. reply
ey i got a question, wouldn't it be easier just to post the invite? or is there something wrong with that, sorry I'm not sure how this stuff works. ^^ 1 reply