suckmystylus's question (5)

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So, I've noticed that there's alot of people questioning their sexuality. I'm wondering if anyone has ever come out as gay then realized they were straight? I thought I was bi because I related to alot posts online about it (dumb shit like not sitting in chairs properly, fingerguns, ect.), cameout, and then refused to accept that I was actually straight lmao. Then I had to re-comeout to alot of people and it was awkward as all hell.
27 01,2020
suckmystylus 10 02,2021
since when do you all know each other???? I keep seeing questions like 'who do you think is the funniest user' or 'omg what happened to {x}' am I out of the loop??? or is this just a very loud minority??
10 02,2021
i'm just one girl and my japanese isn't that good but if yall want any short manga translated feel free to drop the link to the raws :D

i translated ningen bokujo on mrm (not my proudest moment but someone had to do it) if yall want a scale of the quality you can expect
18 05,2021
Ngl, I can never find music that fits the mood of anything I read so I just listen to lofi.
16 06,2020
this would be cool idea doe, i dont really want to be the one to make nor did i consider the pros and cons of doing it, im just spitballin here lol
27 03,2020