Spoopy YeeHaWDXDX's answer page 2 (28)

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Yeah same here I never read anything with those types of characters and If i accidentally read it I stop after 1 chapter, Same with age gap its really not my cup of tea. I can handle 3 to 4 year age gaps, shit even 10. but it has to be between people of the legal consent age and even then 21+ is ideal. teacher x student isnt really my thing either ......   1 reply
01 05,2020
I have As in all my classes except a C in chemistry   reply
29 09,2020
Anything Shouta bc thats basically pedophilia//or with anything were the manga is a romance or smut and one of the main character involved in that looks like a literal child or is a LITERAL CHILD. Also I hate yaoi where the uke is a weak lil fairy boned thing...you know what im talking about. I just usually prefer a more realistic masculine MC and ......   2 reply
06 08,2020
oops I meant to post this not reply! So sorry ( ̄∇ ̄") (go to reply section of another comment)   reply
31 07,2019
Well I dont remember correctly if theres THAT in it.. but at the end of the year in 5th grade someone mentioned the word 'yaoi' to me and I had never seen it before so that summer I looked it up and one of the results wasnt manga but 'JUNJOI ROMANTICA?" dont know if thats the actual name lol but I tried watching it and stopped bc it was kind of rap......   reply
03 11,2020
oh man this hits me in a certain way...idk why maybe its because i havent had a conversation in awhile or ive gotten used to not talking...but now whenever i get really excited i do a weird screeching noise instead of using words??? also ive also gotten somewhat of a speech impediment. some words i cant pronounce and sometimes theres a lisp or that......   1 reply
15 08,2020
I dont like that kind of bisexual character or the "I turned straight bc butt sex" kiind but im okay with the character being bi as long as it doesn't get in the way of the couple and theres no cheating involved. Not everyone has to be 100% gay (▰˘◡˘▰)   reply
01 05,2020
I like BL ANYTHING, im a fan of ancient asian/european/(okay who am i kidding cowboys r pretty hot) setting in dramas and books. i like mcr and mxtx novels. Not really a kpop fan but if you have an interest you really like and I may know it hmu YEEHAW#5263 twitter for mcr stans @b0r6u9h   reply
01 05,2020